Sunday, April 16, 2023

Ombré The Fish

Okay, peeps.

It’s getting to the point where I feel like I need a weekend to recover from each of our weekends, these days!

Within the past calendar month, we’ve tackled three out-of-town excursions, between Sedona (Spring Break), Dallas (Taylor Swift), and Tulsa (Easter). And I’m not gonna lie: that’s a heckuva lotta activity and travel for our crew during a school year month!

Additionally, we’ve had extra-curricular mania, family birthday parties, friend birthday parties, school events and fundraisers (read: lots of volunteer hours), ramped-up homework for standardized testing, the madness of a ton of heinous springtime yardwork, and…this Tuesday, I have to chaperone Little Man’s Sea World field trip! Sea World! The Everest of all field trips. The one that instills terror in my heart.

So…like soooo many families this time of year, it’s just been a lot. A bunch of spinning plates—though, for the most part, we’re managing happily. I’m just buried beneath a pile of 2,734 loads of laundry on any given day, and a to-do list that’s never completed.

Which is probably why I’m so behind on a handful of blog posts, but I’ve just decided to skip over a few and come back to them, and I’ll just share the most current family events for now.

So, now…a drum-roll, puh-lease, as I introduce our NEW family pet!

Ombré The Fish!

You might recall our first foray into fish ownership, during this exact same week, last year, when Chicklet won a goldfish at the school carnival, and we made a very happy home for Twinkles—who deigned to live a mere 72 hours. :(

It was a whole thing. And the kiddos wanted another fish when poor Twinkles expired. But…one thing led to another (mostly because we had a bunch of travel coming up, so we stalled, and then we got lazy) so…we never ended up with a replacement.

Until now.

Because the school carnival came back around on Friday night, and this time, Chica won a fish. A beta that we’re hoping will have a slightly longer life expectancy. 

Luckily, we already had the tank. So we just cleaned it up and got our lovely little Ombré all situated, much to the kiddos’ delight. :)

The first sign of a potentially longer life: Ombré has actually been eating. Twinkles never really did, so…improvement, yes?

Additionally, we suspect Twinkles expired due to an oxygenation issue, and now we’re aware of some signs to look for, and even did some trouble-shooting today, to try and make Ombré as comfortable and happy as possible.

We’ve set VERY low expectations of keeping her alive a week (that’s our milestone of success, ha) but…I have high hopes we can manage it—and maybe even a bit longer. And it’s so cute to see the kiddos checking up on her so often.

So…live long and prosper, Little Ombré! We’re really trying, here!

More posts over the next few days as I attempt some catch-up. Until then…Happy Almost Monday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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