Friday, May 12, 2023

The Dog Days of Springtime

Okay, peeps.

I’ve been slow to post on this here blog the past few days, thanks to the annual end-of-school-year mania.

Man, is it a lot. Like…a lot, a lot.


We are officially two weeks from launching our Summer 2023, and our crew is READY.

So…please allow me to share some recent signs that a change of season is a-comin’!

No explanation for this one is needed:

Chica and I both got our first mosquito bites of the season this week. UGH. The itch and pain and frustration has begun!

Next up…in the increasing temps, my hair was feeling hot and heavy (and not in the fun hot and heavy way, like in the books I lurv reading, tehe). So…two nights ago, after my shower, I chopped three or four inches off. Ahhhhh, much better:

Another it’s-almost-summertime sign: Field Trips! Like this one for Chicklet, yesterday.

I mean…at this point, pretty much every day at school is some kind of special event or theme day or celebration. I’ll be up there three times next week helping with three different were-done-with-learning-let’s-waste-time-with-fun activities, ha. 

In related news…all these extra activities and events at school—combined with the added heat—has made my kiddos extra tired and stinky when they arrive home lately. So it’s become common to toss them immediately in the shower. And once or twice lately, we’ve snuggled up for a movie afternoon afterwards:

Unfortunately, the ticking countdown for summer simultaneously signals a need to DECLUTTER within my own DNA. Something about knowing we’ll all be home, making it through a whole summer, always works me into a mild nesting panic. So…I’ve been deep the weeds of storage containers and closet cleaning. Boooo for now. But I’ll be happy in about a week.

Another summer sign: the toes are out! I’m such a default tennis shoe kind of gal in recent years (but fun ones!) that it takes me awhile to switch over to sandals and flippies. I recently purchased a pair of Tevas (yep, old school, 90’s-era Tevas), and they’re so squishy and happy, but with a slightly funky platform that I adore. If only I didn’t have to bend to velcro them, ha.

And another, super-obvious sign they the season is changing: the days are getting longer! The sun is up and bright long before we leave house for the kiddos’ early school drop-off. And we often get a really beautiful view as a result. :)

There will be more closet cleaning, hopefully a family movie night, some rain, a Mother’s Day brunch, a kiddo birthday party, and Little Man’s last basketball game this weekend, but…hopefully a bit more sleep, as well!


Over and out. 

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