Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Our Launch Into VBS

Okay, peeps.

Holy moly, the front-loading of our summer with activities-a-go-go is still going strong!

We made it back to town on Monday night. And then Tuesday morning at 6:30 a.m., we were up and at ‘em for…Vacation Bible School!

It’s hard for me to believe, as I look through old posts, that it’s our fifth year of VBS in San Antonio! I somehow lost a year or two, ha.

Back in 2019, we were brand-spanking new to the city, and only Chica and Chicklet were old enough to attend (Chicklet was just going into kindergarten!).

Ugh. Their baby smooshie faces and matching dresses SLAY me.

Then in 2020, all three kiddos’ participated, but…FROM HOME! Because VBS was only virtual, due to lockdown (oh, the things we block out).

Then, 2021 came and it was a special one. The first year all three of my crazies were old enough to attend, and therefore, the first year I could volunteer!

I was assigned to Bible Stories and it was a memorable week of trial by fire and being so deep in the weeds of what VBS is all about, but I cherished the challenge and have so many fond memories!

Naturally, the next year, I was ready to dive in again, but God apparently had other (kind of confusing) plans. Fresh off an intense round of illness that landed me in the ER on a trip to Colorado, I made it home, only to realize that intense round of illness was…COVID. Literally the day before VBS, I had to call and deliver that news, and a sub had to fill in for me. :(

Fast forward to this year and I was ready to be back in the game! With the minor complication of dates changing and our out-of-town plans keeping us away on Monday for the launch of this year’s fun. Oye. Summers are hard to coordinate!

Anywho…we made it back in town, I committed for the days I was able, and this time, I was assigned to a “Kid Vid” room, which is essentially like Bible Story, but with a short video that anchors the lesson.

I’ve had tons o’ fun with the incoming 2nd graders (so I had Little Man in my classroom!) and I’m grateful for the time and fellowship.

And…big news: Chica has aged out of participating and is now on the volunteer side of things. WILD!

She assumed the role of a crafting assistant, helping some of the young grades with their project rotation (perfect, yes??) and I’ve been so wildly proud of her as she’s navigated this new role with such grace—especially when she was thrown in on Day 2!

Similar to years’ past, we’ve had some familiar faces with us this week, and Chicklet has even been lucky enough to have one of her school buddies in her group. :)

I was worried Little Man would be sad that one of his school buddies wasn’t able to attend, but he’s been reporting positive things about his crew leader. He even liked his crew leader’s handmade shirt drawing (that ties in with this year’s VBS “Stellar” theme) so much that he asked me to take a picture so he could replicate it at home.

He spent a solid hour this afternoon practicing on a sheet of paper, and then drawing on a shirt of his own…

And he did such a fantastic job!

He was so proud of himself—and is so excited to wear it tomorrow to show his crew leader. :)

We’ve had a few low moments today (unrelated to VBS) that I’ll share tomorrow, but for now, I’m trying to focus on all of the good of the week so far, and there has been a lot. :)

So here’s to another great VBS week hitting the books and time very well spent for our crew.

More maƱana, peeps.

Over and out. 

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