Monday, June 26, 2023

Chica’s 11th Birthday!

Oh my goodness, peeps.

The milestone summer days JUST. KEEP. COMING!

The hubby and I are so exhausted from so many things, but they’re all good—especially Chica’s 11th birthday celebration!

Holy moly was this a wild one to set up, because it was the first family birthday celebration we attempted to tackle for a nighttime reveal, but…Chica’s requested “space” theme totally demanded it!


To rewind.

Chica’s official birthday is tomorrow. But, according to family tradition, we always arrange our decoration extravaganza (in lieu of a party with friends; the kiddos’ ongoing choice!) for the weekend closest to the bday. Because, these things are an EVENT to arrange, so we have to tackle it on a Saturday or Sunday.

Now. Typically (as in, every other birthday, ever) we’ve always set up the decorations at night while the kiddos are sleeping. So we can take as long as it takes and then let the morning reveal happen like Christmas, ha.

But I knew as Chica and I landed on a space theme for her fun day this year that it had to be at night.

So…after a really long Saturday (more on that in a later post), the hubby and I sent the kiddos upstairs after dinner to play and watch a movie while we frantically pulled together this massive undertaking, with a clock running!

I now know what it feels like to put together a balloon circle with my phone timer running. And lemme tell ya—there’s some anxiety involved! Good thing I have a lot of practice! Ha.

I’ll fast forward through the ensuing couple of hours when the hubby and I worked ourselves to the bone, almost turned against one another, but MADE ALL THE MAGIC HAPPEN, as always. :)  And now…some pics!

I mean, seriously, there was NO WAY to do this, except at nighttime. :)

It was sooooo coolio.

As soon as we were finally set up and ready, we went to get the sequestered crazies from upstairs. We suited them up in some silly astronaut gear and then set them on the challenge/obstacle course of being stuck in space, trying to get back to Earth, tehe.

First, we hauled them on their space craft to the playroom…

Then we threw “meteors” at the kiddos as they had to make it across the room without getting hit, ha.

This pic shows Chicklet and Little Man doing rock/paper/scissors to see who got to tackle the challenge after the bday girl. ;)

Next up: catching “falling stars.” (We sent ping pong balls down the stairs that they had to catch in a cup.)

Third challenge: rings of Saturn literal ring toss—whilst hula hooping, ha.

Fun fact: it turns out, Chica is a hula savant! The girl can keep going forever and ever! It’s nuts! Just all lazy like, easy breezy. Who knew??? Apparently, they hula a bunch during gym at school, ha.

Then the final challenge: the black hole! They had to get their ping ping ball through the black hole—with only the assistance of a hair dryer—without losing it. :)

This one was the toughest and most hysterical challenge—especially for poor Chicklet, who’d had a LONG and busy social day with friends and was so tired late at night.

Overall, it was such a festive and fun night—we had Katy Perry’s “E.T.” song blasting on repeat and spirits were so high and happy.

It was a really, really fun family memory, and the birthday girl was THRILLED. And that’s allllll that matters. :)

She chose to wait until morning to open her presents and continue with the rest of the family festivities that always include a “yes day.”

Our original plan had been to gift Chica a cell phone on her birthday, but since she received that for graduation, it was kind of nice to have a low-key, non-demanding round of presents. Just simpler little things—like this earring organizer that she so happily stocked with all her pairs.

Even better: the whole household—taking cues from the birthday girl—was so content to have an “in” day. Lots of time together watching TV, reading, eating anything the birthday girl selected, and just enjoying the day. :)

In fact, I’m pretty sure I could have just gifted my girl the rest of this book series she’s obsessed with and that would have been PLENTY. She didn’t even touch a couple of her another presents. 

She just spent her free time reading, reading, reading, and that made me smile like a fool. :)

After dinner (PF Chang’s that she sent Daddy to retrieve, like the queen she is, ha), we finally cut into her giant chocolate cake. 

It hurts sometimes to see my girl growing so much—and I know these next couple of years she’ll experience her greatest growth spurt of all! 


She’s such an amazing, good-hearted, smart, considerate, silly, HAPPY kiddo. With a loving family and solid little friends. So I know she’ll make it through these tween years with the grace she’s thus far shown.

I love this girl, LIKE MAD. And I’m so incredibly grateful she’s mine—and I’m hers. :)


More on lots of other things, mañana!

Over and out. 

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