Friday, June 9, 2023

Summer Slay

Okay, peeps.

One of my favorite things about Chica’s newfound cell phone life? Her texting vibe with friends.

It’s a riot to read through the things they type and to learn the written tone of both Chica and each of her little buddies.

And if there’s one word that’s overused and multipurposed more that any other, times ten, it’s: slay.

From what I can gather, it’s a blanket response for any conversation, anywhere.

More specifically, I’ve witnessed it in use, as a synonym for: cool, amazing, you-go-girl, wow, okay, gotcha, niiiiiiice, and do it.

Examples include:

I gotta go.


I’ve got tennis camp in an hour.

Slay. Bye. (Insert a million bitmojis.)

Wanna see my pics from vacay?

WOW. Slay. Amazing. (More bitmojis, plus a SwiftiesForLife).

And, also…my favorite, which is a whole run-together anthem of sorts: Slay girl queen boss.

I mean…I die.

My point??? (I swear I have one, related to this post.) If I had one word to sum up our second week of summer, it would be…


(Yup. I did it.)

We basically dove HEAD FIRST into allllll the things, plus carpool time and quality time and play dates and lunches with friends and pedicure time and crafts and swimming lessons and bouncy house jumping and a whole heckuva lotta tennis camp time for Chica, Camp Invention for Little Man, and Harry Potter for Chicklet and…HAVE I MENTIONED I’M TIRED???!

(Also. Have I mentioned we are currently traveling to our next adventure?! No grass growing, peeps. No grass!)

So. In summary. It was a SOLID week of ALL THE THINGS and all of it seemed to be a wild success.

Though I was unsure if Little Man would give an official thumbs up to Camp Invention after he came home the first day saying it was, “like a school day, but without recess,” he ended the week with a really positive review!

And he was smiling like a fool when he brought home his incredible Mimic Bot that he made (like, literally mimics everything he says)…

Plus his homemade burger joint, skate park, musical instrument and spinner hat.

It was a joy to see him so lit up thanks to his creativity, and, bonus: he was pretty dang stoked about getting to eat a cafeteria lunch a couple days this week (since I never let them during the school year).

It’s the little things. ;)

Meanwhile…Chicklet and I rounded out our milestone completion of the second Harry with the movie viewing, plus a special shopping excursion to buy a “basilisk” (if you know, you know).

Side note: it was insane to witness a car in the Tarjay parking lot that had gone up IN FLAMES. Like, was actively engulfed and sending huge plumes of black, noxious smoke into the air that was visible from quite some distance. We were there before the fire department arrived, and it was nuts

Lastly…Chica was a full-on ROCKSTAR this week, powering through the heat and exhaustion of tennis camp all morning, every morning, then tacking on swim time most every afternoon! She totally earned this fun girl/time pedicure. :)

So…yeah. Slay. We did it up right for Week 2, and we’re full steam ahead with our Florida adventure, literally AS WE SPEAK.

So…more mañana, peeps!

Over and out. 

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