Sunday, June 11, 2023

Vero Beach 2023–Day 2

Hellooooo, from our second—and final, since we fly out of Orlando tomorrow afternoon—day here in Vero!

Today was our BEACH DAY, and I went into it with high expectations, and it exceeded them! :)

So many factors contributed to the gloriousness:

First: AMAZING company, with Godmother and her son. Spending a whole day out on the beach with people I adore is a luxury, indeed.

Second: AMAZING weather! Despite storms predicted during our trip, we had gorgeous weather! Blue skies, few clouds, warm temps—to heat up the ocean to perfection—and just that glorious summer vibe. And the ocean cooperated beauuuutifully, as well, with perfect waves and just the exact right kind of environment for our crew—both low tide and high tide were loads o’ fun.

Third: AMAZING environment. Not only is Vero lovely, but our hotel has been the perfect setup for us. We ended up paying for these little beach cabanas all day (at an affordable price, I might add), which meant no muss, no fuss. We didn’t have to haul umbrellas and chairs and towels. Just our beach toys and other necessities. What a joy to avoid some of that burden! And a stop at the pool at the end of the beach fun was the perfect way to cap it all off. :)

I’m so glad that my crazies are at an age where we can responsibly (with a lot of sunscreen) handle just a bit more beach time. In years’ past, about two hours would have been our overwhelming max.

These days, with some brief intermissions for snacks, restrooms, or shade, we can manage four or five hours on a really good day, and that makes all the sand and gear worth it!

Several times today—usually when he was floating on a wave, or playing around with Godmother’s amazing adult son, who spent such quality time entertaining the kiddos—Little Man declared: “this is the best day of my life!” And though there might be some short term/childhood recency bias there (ha), it’s safe to say it was a wonderful beach day.

After some regroup time to freshen up and recharge, we met for a SCRUMPTIOUS dinner—and another load of pics, ‘cause you know I just can’t resist!

Of course, after I said it was the last pics, the sky started turning these beautiful colors on our way back to the hotel, and the hubby was nice enough to pull over and humor me for just a few more shots. :)

And then one final, final shot back at the hotel. :)

I wish we could have finagled more than a long weekend here, but I’m still SO GRATEFUL for the time we had.

We packed some much beautiful togetherness into these couple of days, and it makes my heart SO HAPPY to know how much the kiddos loved being down here. I know they’ll jump at the chance to come back.

My dear friend is SO precious to me, after about fifteen years of her steadfastness in my life. It does my soul SUCH GOOD to fill up with such quality face-to-face time; it’s just the thing to sustain me until we can see one another again—wherever that may be next time!

Now we’re gearing up for a long-ish travel day tomorrow and then a busy re-entry week of VBS!

More mañana, peeps!

Over and out. 

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