Saturday, July 8, 2023

Breckenridge 2023–Day 2!

Okay, peeps.

It’s been another gloriously-weathered, blue-skied, happy-smiles day in Breckenridge. :)

I’ll start with one of my favorite scenic pics of the day (during our horseback riding adventure, naturally), and then work my way back…

Now, starting with our morning excursion to a happy brunch and some wandering along Main Street.

I seriously can’t get over these brilliant blue skies. Vibrantly Colorado. A stunning background for each and every pic.

After enough wandering, we went back to the condo for a quick regroup, hefty round of sunscreen, and then…off to horseback riding!

This activity has seriously become one of my crew’s vacation favorites in recent years.

All the kiddos are at perfect ages to enjoy riding independently and it’s a beautiful way to spend time outdoors. There’s seriously no better way to get the scenic lay of the land.

Each and every one of our horseback riding adventures have been happy in their own right, and today was no exception.

I think I could take a million pics of the kiddos with horses against a cobalt blue sky, but…I settled for about half a million. ;)

Aunt Amber joined us today, woohoo!

I’ve tried to label all our horses in some pics, because we always love to think back on their fun names, but here’s the list, too:

Little Man—Tonto

We got to cross the river a couple times, which is always a good time…

And there’s really nothing as peaceful and beautiful as a long trail ride through this kind of scenery. I lurv it. 

A beautiful, beautiful ride and afternoon. :)

Back at the condo, we washed the literal dusty trail and horse stank off and regrouped for a little bit of shopping/wandering before a fancier meal out to celebrate Nanna’s bday.

My little niece nugget rejected an afternoon nap, but eventually caved on her Daddy’s shoulder, who copped a squat on a happy Main Street bench and enjoyed some people watching during the impromptu siesta, ha.

I mean…how stinking cute is that sleeping face???

Grateful for another wonderful day up here in Colorado, and so excited for more wandering tomorrow—likely on a little excursion down the road to Vail!

Happy Saturday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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