Monday, August 14, 2023

First Day of School—2023!

Helloooooo, peeps, from THE FIRST DAY OF THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR!

The pic above might be the official’s first day snapshot, but this one below is my favorite: Little Man mid-sneeze, and two of the kiddos’ signs in the wrong hands. Bahaha. An excellent first day vibe. 

Also awesomesauce: this one, with Little Man’s number 2 trying to slide right off his school bus…

We finally got our act together for some solo shots, though. ;)

And, yep, I totally let my son rock his no-hair-gel hair for the first day, because it made his heart happy and his spirit confident. Picking my battles. ;)

He gets a few free pass hair days and then it’s back to being tamed! Good thing we already know his teacher well (Chica had the same one for 2nd grade) so positive impressions have already been solidified, ha.

Hilariously, this little lady smiled bigger when I told her to think about the puppy of her dreams…

Also—I try not to speak of it, lest I ruin this streak, but this is the FIRST year my girl has EVER worn skorts to school, and it’s fantastic

I don’t know what made her cave, but it happened over the summer, and we’re just riding this wave while we’re in triple-digit-temp-Hades, since both girls have typically always shunned shorts and skirts and insisted on pants, ha.

Also, check out Chicklet’s awesomesauce and totally her shoes. 

Next up…my MIDDLE SCHOOLER and her hilarious side-eye when our neighbor friends from down the street drove past our house on their way to school and started waving, tehe.

Also of note: check out Chica’s totally pristine, white shoes! And they were still white when she came home at the end of the day (because she’s TOO OLD for recess now; I’m not crying, you’re crying).

Again with more bloopers…Chicklet and Little Man’s signs were swapped. And PLEASE don’t speak out loud the fact that he’s kind of overtaken her, height-wise. It’s a sore sibling subject!

Here they were, giggling over their erroneous signs…

Okay. We got it right for this one. :) The winner we started the post with.

It was wild to drop off only Little Man and Chicklet—at the same entrance, now, since Little Man has passed the grade level where he has to wait in the gym and go in a separate door.

And it was wilder still to have my eldest underfoot until her school start time, nearly an hour later.

For moral support on Day 1, we organized a little carpool with her closest girlfriends. We all met in a parking lot just down the street and forced them to take a group pic (they were willing participants, ha) before consolidating them into one car to take them the rest of the way to school. That way, they could all walk in together and not feel so alone. Best plan I’ve had in a long time. It helped tremendously with their collective middle school launch anxiety. :)

I fully, FULLY expected my babies to come home haggard and cranky, but they all did SO WELL, and, big news: they’re all riding the bus home from school this year!!

Much more on that turn of events as we settle into routine, but my twins/not twins gave the bus ride a glowing review and it made for a much happier arrival home than their typical car bickering, tehe.

They were both ravenous, and after they ate all the food in the pantry, Little Man powered down for a little bit of recuperation. :)

Not long after, my giant middle schooler made it home from her bus adventure—also smiling and high on First Day of School life! A miracle!

It goes without saying that I pestered all three of my babies for all the deets about their day, and they answered willingly, so I got my Mama fix.

Then we all jumped in the pool for the best kind of refreshing swim before I started cooking dinner.

I’m almost afraid to type this, because it might jinx me for the rest of the week, but it was a stellar start to the school year, and I think we’re all so relieved to have Day 1 in the books!

SO MUCH MORE about all things school and kiddo/life transitions in the coming days!

Until then…Happy First Day, 2023-2024, peeps!

Over and out. 

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