Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Monday Science Fun Day—Crunch Labs Trip Wire!

Okay, peeps.

Lemme tell you what a GLORIOUS day we’re having because we’re at HOME, with nothing on the agenda, and we’re going to keep it that way for another 24 hours!

Our days—both weekday and weekends—have been extraordinarily busy this summer. All for good and fun and travel and social reasons. But if I truly stop to think about how many “in days” my home-loving kiddos have had this summer, it’s probably only about three. In total. And that’s kind of wild—for us, at least.

So…with the impending launch of the school year just SIX days away, we are cocooning at the moment, BIG TIME.

After a busy Monday, with Chica’s orthodontic events (braces!) and a slew of ensuing errands, we headed home around 3 p.m. to chants of “two whole days, two whole days!”

As in, we are NOT leaving the house for two whole days (except for Mama’s coffee run, but that’s a whole other subject, ha).

We’re already 24 hours in, so by this time tomorrow afternoon, we’ll be gearing up to breach the barrier and head to one of the kiddos’ final swim lessons, but it’s been glorious—and actually, a little disorienting!—to be home, with no ticking clocking of events or responsibilities (beyond the usual, like a mountain of laundry), and to choose what we do!

Which means…STEM time! We busted out our next Crunch Labs creation, and it’s our favorite one, yet. A Trip Wire! For pranking naturally, hehe.

Also. My little gremlins a we’re so mischievous around the time of these photos, they really should have been labeled like this:

Anywho. As a reminder, this is a subscription-based STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) dealio we’ve really been enjoying this summer.

We receive a box in the mail once a week, follow along with online instructions as we build, and learn a lot! As we have fun. :)

Thanks to travel and camp and life, we have three more boxes already on hand to tackle this week (so we’ll likely build one each day!) and another will be arriving Thursday.

I kind of love that we’ll have a few more (I believe there are 12 in total) to keep creating into the Fall, as time allows.

So…yay, for engaged learning! And now, some pics:

The engineering theme for the week was momentum. Naturally. 

We took some really cute slow-no videos, and the kiddos have major plans to set up the trip wire to prank Daddy when he gets home.

All in good fun—and learning!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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