Friday, September 22, 2023

A Bunch of (LEGO!) Hocus Pocus!

Oh. My. GOODNESS. Can it be?????? A double post night???? During a month when I’ve barely managed a couple of posts a week???

Believe it. It’s happening.

We had a glorious family Friday afternoon/evening with a lot of sillies, a lot of family time, and a lot of relief that the weekend is upon us (kiddos, included!), and it left me invigorated to tackle a bit of catch-up.

Tomorrow is going to be a BIG day celebrating Little Man’s birthday (much more on that mañana!), so I wanted to make sure to share this fun little tidbit before other posts take priority.

So. Without further delay…I give you: my fun, Fall LEGO project! Tada!!!

Okay. So. Truth time: I was late to the Hocus Pocus bandwagon. Like a couple decades late. We didn’t watch it when I was a teen, so I didn’t have the kind of massive connection a lot of people do…until the past couple of years.

And then that newfound love amplified BIG TIME with the release of the sequel last year. Our crew had so much fun watching it so many times, and it really made it feel like it was ours.

Needless to say, when little bro’s wife told me about this amazing LEGO set coming out this Fall, I ordered it in July, waited patiently until it arrived months later—and then waited a bunch more weeks until I had a moment to dive in. :)

During Labor Day Weekend, when the hubby sat down for some football, I happily tuned it out as white noise and went to my happy place. :)


It has to be said that I’ve ALWAYS loved a good LEGO, but I’ve spent the majority of the past decade or so in a support role, building-wise, ha.

It wasn’t until earlier this year when I bought my own LEGO set (a bunch of flowers) that I understood the joy of building solo and hoarding allllll the pieces away from my kiddos, ha. 

And lemme tell ya: this one has some really coolio and unique pieces—like this light-up “fire” area beneath the eventual cauldron:

Fast forward a few weeks and we finally had an entire day we spent at home (last Saturday).

The kiddos requested a pajamas day, and we really needed it as a family. During more football (and more football), and in between laundry, I went back to my happy LEGO place, and it was glorious.

Better, yet—the kiddos’ movie choice for their lazy day was entirely on point. :)

I made it through the majority of the build, on and off throughout that day…

Then I finally made it to the last bag of pieces this afternoon, and completed the project about a month after it began. :)

I placed it over with my Halloween village and it makes me SO happy every time I look at it.

The kiddos were so excited to explore all the details when they made it home:

There are seriously so many amazing odds and ends within this cottage, and ways to lift up the roof or open the back doors to peek in and see it all. I foresee it bringing me oodles of joy for years to come, and it was SUCH a fun way to usher in the spooky season this year.

Okay…wrapping up for the night. It’s been a LONG week and tomorrow will require a bit of energy!


Over and out. 

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