Sunday, September 17, 2023

Chica’s First Middle School Festival

Okay, peeps!

I finally have another moment, so…let’s play catch-up and take the Time Machine back to Friday night and Chica’s first middle school festival! Woohoo!

We were flying blind with this whole thing, but there was a lot of hype and excitement leading up to it—mostly because it was the first major middle school event. I could tell my girl was pumped by her cute little texting to me on the bus home from school, hehe:

As expected, it was certainly different from the elementary events that feel familiar to us. First, because middle school is a whole lot bigger. And, second, because the kiddos want/enjoy a whole lot more autonomy than in elementary.

I basically just sent Chica wandering with a friend, her cell, and some tickets, and decided to think happy thoughts, ha.

It turns out, the whole shebang is pretty much student organizations setting up booths with food/drinks/products to sell, along with other food vendors, lots of random prize-centric booths, some “rides,” and basically, just a whole lotta tables and tents for attendees to utilize.

Chica and I collectively signed up to help her orchestra booth to make/sell aguas frescas, but there were thrice as many student volunteers as parents (!), so Chica wasn’t really needed and got to run off with friends. 

Mama, however, got stay for her hour of duty, sweating and chopping up fruit, ha. Though at least it was under an awning (it was hella-Texas HOT), and I adore the orchestra instructor, so I was happy to help.

Luckily (unluckily?), the poor grandparents were set to arrive in town that night, and got to spend allllll day in the car on the drive down to us, only to arrive and be hauled out and into the chaos and heat, ha.

But it was so great to have them stagger their arrival for around the time I was done with my volunteering bit, so we could all wander together.

Chicklet was so excited to see several of her own little friends—younger siblings like her, dragged along for the ride.

And, let’s be real: any prizes (even cheap, inflatable or plastic ones) were enough of a lure to keep the younger kiddos happy while the older ones socialized.

Truly, the “fun” of this outing was only the joy of watching my eldest discover a new and different event for her new and different middle school life. It never ceases to be amazing to see her spending time with solid, supportive friends while enjoying just the right amount of fake-freedom, ha.

And, selfishly, it’s always a mental boost to see some of my own Mama friends, who I adore.

This event capped off what was a reallllly busy seven day stretch, so when I went to bed Friday night, I kind of just fell into a coma. 

Blessedly, my babies collectively requested a pajama day Saturday, and—miraculously!— we were able to deliver.

Lots of downtime, movie time, LEGO time, laundry time, snuggle time, home cooking and just recharging of our batteries. With grandparents around for it, too. :)

I’ve got lots more catch-up posts for the next couple of days, but after a slightly busy upcoming Monday/Tuesday (wait, and maybe Wednesday, ha), I think our week might just settle down-ish. Or maybe not. But heeeere’s hoping!

Happy Sunday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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