Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Lotta Good (Playground) Memories

Holy moly, it was a MARATHON day.

So cray-cray, that too dog tired to share all of the ins and outs (tomorrow, maybe). My body and mind are broken, ha.

But. On the plus side: it’s the perfect night to share a short little tidbit out of the mouths of babes (this time, Little Man), that made me smile SO much last night. 

To set the scene…we were up at our neighborhood rec center for the kiddos’ tennis lesson. Things wrapped up right at 7 p.m., and the sun was staring to give its golden Fall light.

On an average week, we’d stay for a bit after the tennis lesson, just playing around the area area. But last night, we were short on time and hadn’t brought along any of the kiddos’ scooters or go-kart thingies or basketballs, blah, blah. 

So instead, Little Man wandered over to the playground equipment…

Then my not-so-little dude mounted the stairs, placed one hand on the railing and surveyed his kingdom with a deep sigh before saying, “man, I have lotta memories on this playground.”

I mean…I DIE.

He continued to wax poetic about how many hours he spent playing on that equipment, when he was young (“like, five”), and I was dyyyyyyyyying.

Dying because it was the CUTEST, and he sounded like a wizened old man, reminiscing about his childhood.

But also, dying because it was terrible and horrible and amazing to realize my youngest, my baby, the tiniest (but not at all tiny) kiddo in our household has kinda sorta aged out of this playground equipment. 

Man, my kiddos are aging like MAD these days.

And, man, is it true that the youngest ages the fastest.

I’m sure we’ll still have days where this playground gets some use, so I’m going to try not to get too sentimental about these special playground years of ours winding down.

But, still.

Talk about the cutest (and bittersweet-est).

More maƱana, peeps.

About to shower and PASS OUT.

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