Friday, September 29, 2023

Quality Doodle Time

You see this stinking adorable, mischievous little rascal right here???


I don’t want to say I’m glad, per se, that he came down with strep throat.


I’m kind of glad.

Because we had the sweetest sick day together, yesterday, and I think it was really happy for us both. :) 

Sometimes I find it so hard to give my kiddos ALL the time and love and attention they deserve when I’m splitting myself amongst them all—plus the hubby and a million other things.

Life demands a lot from us, and it’s just a fact that the girlies are older and entrenched in much tougher homework—along with more plentiful activities and social lives that require a whole heckuva lot of attention from me.

Since Little Man is not quite at that stage of super-intensive school work, and his activities appropriately match his age—and, therefore, give him a bit more free time than the girlies—I feel like I get less of him after school and on most evenings, these days. Which is tough.

I mean, I make sure to find those pockets of quality time—especially on the weekends. But, truly, it’s just a constant juggling act. 

So unexpected days like yesterday, when I have just ONE kiddo home and underfoot are kind of precious to me (at least at the start of a viral season; please, NO, to having as many sick days as we did last year!!!).


My boy and I made sure to take full advantage of our time together—especially since his antibiotics helped with his discomfort—so it was just a really lovely chunk of time together. :)

One of our favorite things to do together is, of course, doodling. And when it’s just the two of us, Little Man takes great joy in dictating our particular drawing.

I sort of lurv how ambitious he is on these kinds of days.

This one was a toughie Pokémon character, and the perfect challenge to take on while we had the freedom of a bit more time.

Can I just say that his blankets with these giant heads absolutely SLAY me?

Before the ninja turtle one he received for his bday, he wore his Minecraft one all the time, and he doesn’t realize he could probably ask for anything whilst wearing either of them, and I’d pretty much melt and say yes, ha.

Not gonna lie: this Gyarados thingamajig character is pretty coolio, ha. Little Man wants to hang his in one of our doodle gallery frames. :)

Part of what made this doodling round extra fun is Little Man’s new set of official markers we gifted him for his bday!

We’ve been following along with these particular tutorials since early pandemic lockdown days, and he’s always wanted a set—but we just never pulled the trigger, until now!

Earlier this week, on yet another early release school day, we tested them out for the first time with a fun Halloween-y doodle. :)

It was really fun to see Little Man acclimate to the task of drawing with these tools instead. 

And he was so excited to use the exact same numerically-named markers as the tutorial.

He would hold them up to the screen to double-check, tehe.

Hellooooo, Chica!

And Chicklet!

Another day, I’ll share a full-circle post about our doodling, and the teacher who sparked it (who was once Chica’a 2nd grade teacher, and is now Little Man’s).

I say this ALL the time, but it’s an activity that’s so special to my heart—and it was extra special to spend some quality time with my not-so-baby boy yesterday.

It’s a bit of an odd weekend for us (more on that mañana), but I’m shifting my attention to Chicklet a bit tomorrow, with a fun playdate for her and one of her little friends.

So…more mañana.

And until then…

HAPPY WEEKEND (I hope!), peeps!

Over and out.

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