Friday, October 27, 2023

Chicklet’s Gardening Club Fun!

Okay, peeps.

It’s been a WEEK.

But we’ve made it to Friday, survived a week with a puppy, my head stitches managed one exercise class, and I think Chicklet and Little Man have hit their low points and are working their way back up.

Needless to say, I’m happy it’s the weekend. :)

So in honor of this positive energy I’d like to foster, and in hopes of continuing our household health recovery, I’ll share a short and sweet little post about my Chicklet and her school gardening club!

So…my beloved middle born is specific and firm in recent years about the things she loves and wants to participate in, and the things she absolutely doesn’t, ha.

For example, the following activities illicit strong opinions of nope: choir, dance, cheerleading, tumbling, and, honestly, most team sports just don’t really interest her. She prefers to observe our doodling these days and tolerates tennis because she loves being outdoors and really loves the instructor, but it’s not like that particular sport is her great passion.

Honestly, I’d worry a bit that she was rejecting too many things if there weren’t several activities that she adores. She just knows her lane and sticks to it, and I love her for it.

Swimming is, hands down, her jam. In fact, she adores it so much, we’ll be starting it back up again, soon, even though we’d planned to make it just a summer thing. Undetermined if we’ll continue to go the lessons route or try out a little swim team situation. But the water is absolutely her happy place for activity, and has been for years. 

Another love: guitar! This is a new thing, and mostly unexplored, but she has asked for lessons for quite some time and we’ve tested out a few instructors but haven’t landed on one we think is The One. But more will be coming on that front. Not too long ago, we bought Chicklet a blue guitar and it’s precious. I love that she’s been steadfast in exploring this instrument, and I hope we can get into a groove.

And, lastly, my girl adores most things that involve nature and/or animals (of course). She’ll spend ages outside creating “potions,” will happily sit on a blanket and read outdoors, and she has always, always been my kiddo to bask in the sun on a lovely day to store up what I call her “solar power.”

She’s just my little Mother Earth, One With Nature kiddo, and has been since she was quite young, so…

It makes perfect sense that she’s so enthusiastic about the school’s gardening club this year! 

Pre-COVID years, we’d participated in a short little gardening stint through the school. But then it sort of stalled. I think it picked back up last year, but not with any hefty organization.

Welp. This year, Chicklet’s homeroom teacher is the one in charge of the club, so it’s been promoted heavily in the classroom, several of Chicklet’s friends are participating, and it’s just the cutest.

The have a weekly Tuesday meetings after school and appear to be exploring a lot of topics like healthy eating, the growing of things, recycling, etc.

This past Saturday morning, there was also a little meet-up for some planting and maintenance—plus some painting of decorative rocks to go in the vegetable beds.

I wasn’t sure we would make it (due to it being the morning after our first night with a puppy, ha), but we did! Chicklet was just so happy to participate—and super-duper happy to share the Coda news with everyone, ha.

Check out this beautiful Chinese Cabbage we got to take home. So fresh!

After the short round of gardening fun, my girl and I went for a special coffee run, and it was so nice to have some additional time with just her. :)

With multiple kiddos and BUSY lives, it’s so hard to ensure everyone is fostering their individual interests, but it seems like we’re doing pretty A-okay for the moment. We have a few things they all enjoy, and a few things that are just their own, and that makes this Mama happy.

Okay, more mañana, peeps!

Over and out. 

P.S. My girl finally decided on her latest and greatest Halloween costume: a fortune teller! LOVE it.

P.P.S. She’s still very low on energy, but I got some little smiles. :)

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