Saturday, October 14, 2023

Halloween Costume Selection—2023

Oh. My. Goodness. Peeps.

Again, this is a trend: a couple of back-to-back posts full of catch-up, and then…radio silence.


Life is just nuts these days. Never a dull moment, schedules jam-packed and bodies super tired by bedtime.


I’m going to skip all the other random posts I had in mind to share and fast forward straight to the good stuff: my kiddos’ Halloween costume selections for this year!

I give you…a Sorceress!

Michelangelo (the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, of course):

And…a Flying Squirrel, ha:

Now. little Man’s was the easiest of all. A total no-brainer. Selected months ago and shipped to our house, like, the second week of August, tehe.

Alas, he got the costume early, but had to wait for the complementary weapon until his bday.

So now we have nunchucks to cause household injuries, but it’s keeping his hype strong, and I’m hoping it will stay that way!

Now…Chicklet was the wild card.

And let’s be real: when it comes to costumes, she always is. ;)

Her original request was a dog costume, but we struck out with a couple we ordered that just weren’t right. Too scratchy; too hot; not the right variety of dog. It just wasn’t working. 

Then Chicklet happened to be looking over my shoulder when I was searching Amazon for more costume options on her behalf and saw this flying squirrel and fell in love. Who would have guessed??

Honestly, she’s worn the darn thing so many times around the house already, because it’s sooooo cozy and basically just a giant onesie situation.

And I guess that should make me happy, because…she’s already changed her mind.

Of course.

It happens to at least one of my kiddos every year, and I guess this is Chicklet’s turn.

Honestly, it was Chica’s costume selection that kind of ruined Chicket’s squirrel fun, ha.

Chica had been having a really tough time thinking of something that felt right for her this year. And let’s be real: she’s smack dab in the middle of those tween years when trick-or-treating vibes are morphing and kiddos definitely don’t want to go too cutesy with their look.

So it was a huge joy and relief, this afternoon, to go on a special shopping jaunt with my eldest and hit the jackpot with this gorgeous sorceress costume that spoke to Chica, big time. :)

We added on soooo many fun accessories, including this sorceress staff (that we hadn’t even taken out of its packaging for these pics, ha):

 And check out this fun choker necklace and these awesomesauce ring/bracelet thingies:

Plus, these new black suede boots we just purchased work perfectly with the costume. Win/win/win/win/win.

So…the moral of this costume post:

I’m soooo glad Little Man zoned in on his costume early.

I’m soooo glad Chica found something to make her hear super happy.

And I’ll eventually be soooo glad that Chicklet changed her mind and landed on something that makes her heart super happy, ha (she’s thinking a Fortune Teller, ha).

I’m almost really sad our days are so busy because this spooky season is just FLYING by.

But we’re going to do our very best to soak in all the joy of it we possibly can for the next two weeks!

Happy Saturday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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