Monday, October 9, 2023

My Knot Prodigy

After the last introspective and heavy post, it’s certainly time for a light and bright one—courtesy of this love of mine, whose smile lights up my life. And what better timing, as October is Dyslexia Awareness Month, and better still, today is World Dyslexia Day!

So, a few mornings ago, my girl was headed off to school and reported trouble with her shoes. The insert had dislodged and was making it a little uncomfortable inside the sole.

I didn’t have a ready fix, but I did have a pair of shoes I ordered a year ago for Chica, that she wasn’t able to wear (too small) and I wasn’t able to return (ugh), so I’d been hanging on to them until just this kind of day!

They fit Chicklet, they were mostly blue (her favorite), and my girl was happy…with one complication: these new shoes involve laces, and she hasn’t had any like that, yet.

I double knotted them for her, and all was well. But on Sunday, when we were at a beautiful patio brunch after church, my girl said: “Mama, I wanna learn to tie my shoes.”

Insert the EASIST instruction and learning of shoe tying, maybe ever. Ha.

Perhaps because she’s slightly older, or perhaps because she’s a shoe-tying prodigy, she had it down in, like, one try.

I really shouldn’t be surprised, since this girl has been tying anything and everything in knots since she was a toddler:

I gotta say: it was a really adorable and memorable milestone moment. Tiny, but so amazing to see her confidence soar when I bragged on her skills.

As a dyslexic student, my girls faces task upon task that requires more oomph out of her magnificent brain than a non-dyslexic student. I know it’s kind of small and ridiculous, but it was GLORIOUS to see her tackle something so effortless and swell with pride. :)

It’s the little things, peeps.

Happy Tuesday-that-feels-like-Monday, peeps!

More mañana.

Over and out. 

P.S. We’ve got a Nanna in the house!

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