Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Spooky Season Cramming

Okay, peeps.

It’s nearing the end of another day.

And, yet again, I’m sitting here, baffled, as to how life can be so jam-packed right now???

I know it’s the same for allllll families with children in the age range of ours, but goodness, life has definitely ramped up in a significant way this school year—and I’m starting to worry it’s never going to ramp back down!

As I stare at our Halloween calendar countdown, I’m kind of startled to see that we’re a spooky 13 sleeps from Halloween.


When we busted out that dang calendar, the countdown was, like, 63, and alllll those days have gone by in a blink!

Unsurprisingly, when I gave it a bit of thought yesterday, I realized that every single one of our Halloween traditions has kind of happened according to plan this year—but with a major bit of cram-factor thrown into the mix.

In years past, so many of our beloved activities or traditions were tackled with love and forethought, and were often the focal point of any given day.

But, now?? Welp. Now, we’re kind of lucky if we make them happen at all!

I suppose it’s better to rush through some of these happy seasonal festivities than to skip them altogether. Right???? Right???

But, I certainly think this year will go down in the books as our most hectic September/October, yet (and, hey, I’m okay with that, since last year’s distinction was our sickest September/October, yet, and at least this is a step up from there!).

So, now. Some examples:

Sunday, we finally—FINALLY!—managed to buy our pumpkins. I mean, yeah, sure, we’ve had our indoor and outdoor decorations up since late September, but how did we take so long to snag our pumpkins (for porch display, carving, and crafting)??? A travesty, I tell you! But isn’t this trunkload o’ pumpkins a beauuuutiful sight??

Even the employee at the register mumbled as we walked away with our cart, “man, that was a lot of pumpkins.” Ha.

Another better-rushed-than-never activity: our potato head pumpkins!

We love these cute things and the kiddos have been assembling them since they were infants. But holy moly, we’ve had it on the list to tackle them for weeks, and just finally managed to do it—on Sunday night, with 10 minutes to spare before bedtime, basically in a happy-but-rushed hustle.

Also. For a bit of nostalgic angst, let’s do a little Now/Then:

Uuuuuugh. It slays me!

Yet another rushed but at-least-we-did-it activity: sugar cookies!

About ten days ago, we had some friends over for such a happy-happy-joy-joy get-together, and when I mentally examined the calendar and realized it was likely our last chance for a play date before Halloween had come and gone…I decided to shove as much spooky fun into a few hours as I possible could!

I whipped up some dough and we threw all the icing and sprinkles at it, to make up for the last-minute nature.

The kiddos were ecstatic, though. Clearly not bothered by a little last-minute hoopla.

And while we were at it, I busted out the fun pumpkin decorating project I’d planned for this season: Thumb Tack Pumpkins!

In past years, I would have taken such care to document the entire process and really capture some beautiful shots of these adorable pumpkins that the kiddos enjoyed so much.

But…nope. This year, I was lucky to snag any drive-by pics at all, and then capture just a few badly-lit images a few days later (at about midnight, ha) before I forgot altogether. 

And last in the I-rest-my-case-we-have-zero-time category: spooky fine puzzles!

Every year, when Nanna is here in October, we love tackled a Halloween puzzle or two.

Welp. This year, we managed to mostly assemble the first one together. Nanna complete 75% of the second one herself, and just had to abandon me altogether for the third, ha. UGH. Life.

But, hey! At least we puzzled!

Now. I suppose the one major thing to note as I wrap up this kitchen sink post: despite allllll of life’s insanity and chaos, we’ve still managed to work our lovely Halloween traditions into the mix.

Decorating? Check.
Pumpkins? Check.
Projects? Check.
Baking? Check.
Puzzles? Check.

I mean…it might not come with the pomp and circumstance we’d prefer, but gosh dang it, we’re still making it all happen!

More catch-up posts mañana, peeps.

Over and out. 

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