Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Chicklet’s San Jose Mission Field Trip

Okay, peeps.

I was a chaperone today for Chicklet’s 4th grade field trip to the San Jose Mission, and I’ve never had a more beautiful day for a mostly-outdoor school excursion!

In general, this field trip is a bit of a tricky one for me to wrap my head around, as it centers around the sad story of Spanish colonialism in South Texas, and the indigenous people in this area who eventually succumbed to a new and foreign way of life. 

The ranger who was in charge of our group did such a solid job of trying to explain the context and situation to the kiddos all throughout the tour, but it’s still a very difficult Big Picture kind of lesson. 

In fact, I chaperoned this very trip for Chica’s class last year, and even as 5th graders, there was a lot that might not have sunk in.


Still. It’s a really fascinating historical site, right here in our neck of the woods, and I’m grateful for any bits of information these lively and silly kiddos might retain. You gotta start somewhere, right?

A couple of additional thoughts…

First, holy goodness, do these field trips always pop up during really hectic times!

This took the majority of my day, at a time when life is full steam ahead. Plus, Coda complications meant the hubby had to work from home a bit while I was away so long. 

BUT…it’s always, always worth it.

I can already see the diminished role I’ll play as each of my kiddos enter middle school and beyond, so this time is precious. My babies have always been so excited and happy and proud when I’ve joined nearly every single field trip over these many years, and I wouldn’t trade the memories for anything. 

Second: it’s always soooooo fascinating and beneficial for me to see my kiddos live and in action with some of their little school friends. There’s never a better way to gauge personalities and see who my crazies are surrounding themselves with. :)

Despite cramming this into a crazy week, I’m SO grateful for the time spent with my beloved middle born. Core memories, for sure. 

Chicklet was picked as the leader of her “tribe” and got a chance to throw the arrow with the atl atl (yup, that’s the official term). She was so excited!

Happy Almost Wednesday, peeps!

(Also known as the last major day of insanity this week, with the Friendsgiving I’m hosting. And then, hopefully, things can ramp down just a tiny bit!)

Over and out. 

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