Thursday, November 16, 2023

Friendsgiving 2023!

Hellooooo, peeps, from what I hope is the downhill slide toward Thanksgiving Break!

This past month or two has been one of our busiest time periods, ever. Truly.

Work, puppy, kids, social lives, extra-curriculars. It’s all a LOT, but so much of it is rich with life—and last night was a prime example of a bunch of effort and craziness leading to something really joyful and so worth it:

A Friendsgiving celebration with a dozen or so of my Pure Barre ladies!

You might remember a post a month or so ago, after our gaggle of ladies enjoyed a crafting night out. We had so much fun together that night that the very next day, everybody was already floating the idea of our next get-together, and the hopes of it being a Friendsgiving.

I was all for it—and offered to host, as I love this sort of thing when it’s for people and occasions of my choosing. :)

It truly brings me joy to make our home happy and inviting and a safe space for guests to enjoy events. And you know I can never resist any sort of decoration—table or otherwise! ;)

I’m not gonna lie: after an insane few days leading up to this event, I almost cried tears of joy when my babies came home with light homework, as it definitely helped during that final hour or so before everyone starting arriving!

The hubby was absolutely clutch by shuffling Chica to and from Confirmation while our house was overrun with friends and festivity. 

And Chicklet and Little Man did such a great job of showing up downstairs with Coda every time someone new arrived—and then hiding out again for a bit, living their best playroom movie lives, ha.

Food-wise, I bought some delicious turkey (it’s just never my favorite to cook), and then made double batches of stuffing, sweet potato casserole, my favorite harvest cheese balls, a chocolate tart, and the ham (my fave!). Then all of my ladies each brought something as well. So, needless to say, we have a FEAST!

It was soooo fun to have some many delicious and varied things from appetizers to sides to desserts. And I hysterically purchased Thanksgiving-themed To Go containers, to make sure everyone brought home some leftovers, ha.

In addition to the Thanksgiving meal, we turned the evening into a small gift exchange, just in case we don’t have a chance to get together again before Christmas. And, naturally, we made time for a handful of photo opportunities. ;)

It really was such a fantastic evening to spend time together—in real clothes and not yoga pants, ha. 

I’m endlessly grateful for this amazing and feisty and supportive group of women. I’ve said it a million times before, and I’ll say it again: my Barre class isn’t just a physical boost for me. It’s mental and emotional health in a major way, and nights like this prove it! 

This was the last major event or commitment before we start to shift gears towards heading out of town, and I’m equally excited about all of that (just not the long drive with puppy!).

I’m SO glad it’s Friday, and soooo excited about the ongoing celebrations ahead.

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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