Monday, November 13, 2023

‘Tis The Seasonal RAMP-UP!

Okay, peeps.

In the past few days we’ve gone from insanely busy to insanely HOLIDAY SEASON busy, in an exponential kind of way. It’s bananas. Plus, an 11-week-old puppy.

Soooooo much of it is lovely and wonderful and celebratory. But, it’s also oh-so-stressful and chaotic!

Chicklet had her wonderful Veteran’s Day event on Friday, and then Saturday, the hubby and I basically worked ourselves into the ground from 6:45 a.m. (thanks to puppy for Mama and pickleball for Daddy) until about midnight, when we finally passed out.

I had an official To-Do list written out, with boxes for check marks and all, ha. And we did it ALL. I seriously don’t think I sat more than half an hour all ding dang dong day! But we got sooooo much done—including all the outdoor decorations, woohoo.

Check out my planter/bench that I swore I would not paint again, after the fun orange at Halloween. That was before the hubby said he could totally see it as a bright Christmas red…and then I caved and did the work again, ha. But it’s so pretty. :)

In other Saturday To Do happenings…we tackled a MAJOR clean out of the upstairs attic. Like, so major it was astonishing after we were done with two giant loads taken to donation. It’s like a whole new attic! Even the hubby was a bit gobsmacked.

The kiddos thought it was quite the upheaval during the process, though. Look at the barricade Chicklet made for the top of the stairs, tehe:

I’m happy to report, we eventually cleared it ALL out, and then cleaned it ALL up, and then the attic and upstairs areas were both happy again.

Next up…I’ve worked over the past couple of days a to get all eight Christmas trees and all of our indoor decorations up, ha. We still have a bunch of ornaments to add, but it’s so nice to see the trees lit at night. :)

I’ll share a separate post about how little Coda is impacting holiday decorations this year. Basically, it’s a hot mess express around our casa. But, still. The ambiance is so nice.

Another major major source of busyness: I’m hosting a big Friendsgiving on Wednesday for alllllll my Pure Barre ladies.

It will be such a good time…but a lotta work, ha.

I had to start food prep today to get ahead as much as possible. Two giant sausage/apple/mushroom stuffings, two sweet potato casseroles, a dozen harvest cheese balls and a chocolate tart later…my hands feel like permanent claws from all the stirring, ha. 

But, yuuuuum.

I’m chaperoning Chicklet’s field trip tomorrow, and I’m SO excited to spend such fun milestone time with my girl, but, man, is it a rough week to fit it in. Still. We’re gonna make it all happen!

And then come Wednesday around 11 p.m., I’ll fall into a sort of exhaustion coma and downshift a bit…until we have to start packing and gathering all our gear for Thanksgiving!

Okay…signing off for now, with these adorable pics of my tiniest living thing who’s taking up so much additional time, ha. Good thing she’s so cute. ;)

More mañana, peeps!

Over and out. 

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