Monday, December 11, 2023

My Fluffy Laundry Buddy

Okay, peeps.

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a pile of laundry in possession of warmth is in want of an occupant.

It’s also a truth universally acknowledged that I tend to do about 2,473 loads of laundry a day.

Put those hands together and you have…

I seriously have so many flashbacks of attempting to fold clothes with a baby o’ mine diving into the mix…

It just so happens this particular baby is of the puppy variety, ha.

I swear (I really do!) that at some point, I’ll share a gigantic post about our first 6-8 weeks with Coda, but for now, lemme just say that I’ve reverted back to the days of getting reallllly creative to get things done around the casa.

Laundry most definitely included.

And yeah, sure, it might take 30% longer to fold the dang clothes but the alternative is not tackling any laundry at all, so…concessions, people. They’re called concessions.

We’ve got four more days to power through until the kiddos’ are done with school for the holiday break, and even though I thought it might calm down, I was wrong.

Chicklet was home sick today (but she’s pretty stable), tomorrow is going to be a little hectic, and…welp, every day thereafter, too.

But we’re close people! Were close!

More mañana, peeps.

Over and out. 

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