Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Making a (Santa) List, and Checking it Twice

Okay, peeps.

I’ve had about half-a-dozen posts I’ve wanted to tackle in the last couple of days since the Flash Craft Holiday party, but…life!

It’s been full steam ahead with the festive mania, and I’ve pretty much collapsed into a coma every night at bedtime.

I’m hoping for a slight downshift over the next couple of days before the final, mighty push of next week—which is the last school week before break (that kinda feels unbelievable, but…woohoo!).

Meanwhile, it felt like an absolute gift to manage to cook dinner for the first time in several days, wrap up homework before it was already dark, and then tackle our first doodle in a month—that also doubled up as notes to Santa!

Our beloved scout elf, Leaf, has yet to make an appearance (goodness, I wonder why not????). Anywho. When the kiddos asked, yet again, when he might appear, I suggested we write our Santa letters, in case this might spur his arrival. ;)

This activity is always an excellent gut check of the holiday belief and magic (ifyouknowwhatimsayin), and so far, so good, with these younger two. At least, I think so.

And so far so good on predictable gift requests, as well, which is always a relief—and one of the main reasons I want to see what makes the official Santa letters each season, ha. 

Side note: I mastered one-handed doodling today, while I kept my youngest “child” entertained, ha.

I love these smiling faces, and I MISS THEM so much, which sounds insane, since my life revolves around them.

We’ve just been sooooo busy that we haven’t had much downtime/quality time, and I’m READY FOR IT over break.

But, hey, at least we had a moment for this happy activity tonight, and I’ll TAKE IT.

In other news…we finalized shopping and wrapping for a kiddo in need through an organized donation at the hubby’s office. This always brings my heart joy. :)

And lastly (for tonight, anyway)…some bonus after-shower pics: sweet Chicklet was singing to and rocking Coda in her arms. And then nuzzling noses before bed. :)

I’m hoping for a couple other catch-up posts mañana, peeps!

Happy Hump Day!

Over and out. 

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