Friday, December 15, 2023

The Holiday Break School Finish Line!

Okay, peeps.

This was Little Man just before bed tonight: taking a silly selfie in his “It’s All Very Merry” shirt, and his vibe was basically #goals, because…WE MADE IT TO THE HOLIDAY BREAK FROM SCHOOL!!!

And, man oh man, was it a crawl across the finish line. Just like every, dang year!

Though our household has been 2,475 times healthier this holiday season than last, my kiddos were still a bit puny this week.

Chicklet was home sick on Monday, and when Little Man started looking like this after school by mid-week, I knew he was about to bite the dust:

Needless to say, he was home sick yesterday, to absolutely no one’s surprise.

And though it put a bit of a cramp in my very hectic schedule, it was also kinda nice to have to be around the house. Plus—we managed a sick day doodle, which is always one of my very favorite mother/son activities. :)

Despite the sick day complications, life must go on! Especially holiday life.

The hubby and I had to do some complicated juggling, but I managed to take Chica to a voice recital she had last night (I’d wax poetic about her composure and lovely little voice, but all of Chica’s accomplishments this past week or two are just starting to sound obnoxious, ha), and then I had a get-together to attend with my Barre ladies! Complete with some fun friend gifts:

By last night, the hubby and I fell into a coma at bedtime, and then it was up for one more round of 6 a.m. yuckiness for the kiddos’ final day of school!

Even Leaf wanted to get in on the action by trailing along with us on drop-offs—in his secure jar, of course. ;)

More crazy errands ensued, and then I had to head up to school just after midday for my elf work of decorating the classroom and throwing Chicklet’s fourth grade class party—woohoo!

Six years running as a room representative for one or another of my kiddos’ classes and I’ve certainly learned a gazillion tips and tricks and hacks for pulling these things off, but they never really get any easier, ha.

But it’s alllllll worth it to help bring the holiday joy and be there for my babies on these memorable—and fleeting!—days.

Reminding myself that these years are short and that Chica has already aged out of them is certainly motivation to keep the magic and joy alive, and to put in the effort.

I wish I could share more pics, but it’s too hard not to inadvertently show other kiddos’ faces! So let’s just say that fun and chaos and crafting and sugar was had!

I love this action hair shot of Chicklet’s. :)

It was a gloomy, drizzly day, which begged some coziness or pampering to celebrate this finish line of sooooo many obligations over the past few weeks. So after we all made it home by late afternoon and I showered off the day, the girlies and I went for pedicures. :)

I’m not gonna lie: this holiday season (that’s not at all over!) has kicked my heiny in a lot of ways, but we’ve still managed to pack in so much joy!

It’s kind of a gift that this year, the kiddos are done with school with so many days left until Christmas. We’re going to utilize all of them to the best of our advantage, peeps!


Over and out. 

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