Monday, January 15, 2024

Bluey, Ice, and Couches So Nice!

Okay, peeps.

I feel like we’ve had a holiday weekend with allllllll the things. 

We launched on Friday with the crew of contractors still crawling all over the house to finish most of the first wave of projects.

Then mid-afternoon, when they left, I was ecstatic to immediately dive into cleaning, cleaning, cleaning so I could restore the house to the safe and closed zone I prefer—at least until they have to come back next week.

Additionally on Friday, we had a massive Salvation Army donation pickup (including the old playroom couch!) plus a delivery of the new items—and it all happened within the same crazy hour, before 9 a.m., ha.

Chicklet was actually home from school on Friday (a random neck injury; she’s better, now) and got to see the new items just after arrival. Then, it was a stinking joy, I tell ya, to witness the other kiddos’ reactions later in the day as they made it home.

We’d gone as a family to m select the furniture, so they knew what to expect, but seeing it live in our home environment was really stinking FUN.

It will be some time before the room is completely settled and staged for more pics, but for now, some sneak peeks:

The shock and awe was so adorable. That smooshy happy face! I die.

Happy, happy, joy, joy. 

It’s funny, I’ve had some time to marinate in the blessing of this new furniture and it’s kind of wild how emotional I’ve been with this positive change. 

Kiddos don’t grow overnight (well, sometimes they do!) so it’s been a gradual process of outgrowing our previous furniture—the couches, specifically. But in general, it’s been years since all of us (or even more than three of us!) can actually sit together.

The furniture hasn’t been deep enough, long enough, comfy enough, sprawling enough…you name it. We just have vastly different needs than we did several years ago when we moved to San Antonio and purchased some of these items. I mean, when we moved into this house, Little Man was transitioning out of a crib and diapers.

But furniture requires funds and planning and doesn’t generally happen overnight. So seeing this come to fruition has been really amazing and…emotional, truly.

Already, the kiddos are gravitating toward their favorite new spots, and my Chicklet has for sure taken over this fun spinning chair:

It’s so plush and cozy, and, honestly, the view out the playroom windows has always been to stellar that it’s a very peaceful place to be. With the curtains down, the view seems even more magnificent, and I kinda dig it.

By the time we made it to Saturday, it was a whole different shift in weekend vibe.

Though they kiddos got some lazy morning time, the hubby and I had to bust a move, BIG TIME, to try and clear out, clean out and restore the garage (it was painted last week, new base boards were installed [there had been water damage out there when our pipe burst almost three years ago], because it was a chaotic, dusty mess, and a hard freeze was coming, so we needed to be able to park our cars in there again.

It was a rough round of tackling all that—and then shuffling Chicklet off to a fun bday party for one of her friends, but it was so nice to see my girl with her neck feeling better, enjoying some quality time with her crew.

Then we hauled it from that party back home to grab the rest of the fam for another bday party—this one, for one of my dear friends, whose hubby was throwing her a surprise 40th at Chicken n’ Pickle. :)

Of course, this should have been the hubby’s time to shine, since he lives for pickle ball these day, but since we never have a dull day around our casa…he tested positive for COVID about an hour before we needed to leave for the event. Oye. And what a trooper to manage the garage cleaning before he tanked!

We were so sad to go without him, but we had a really lovely time amongst so many of my friends and a gaggle of their kiddos, as well. And it was so fortunate that the weather held out and didn’t tank until a few hours after the party!

All that said…after such a busy week, plus a wild and crazy Friday/Saturday, by the time we made it to Sunday, amidst the freezing temps, we put our family on household lockdown.

It was the perfect day to huddle indoors, enjoy the new sectional, force the hubby to take it a bit slower, and spend some time together.

And I’d like to thank the universe for its timing of delivering new Bluey episodes just in time for this occasion, ha. If you know, you know.

More gratuitous shots of Chicklet enjoying Bluey throughout the weekend…

Bluey makes everything in life better. :)

I’m extra grateful for the peace and cocooned time yesterday, because this morning, we had to hit the ground running, despite a bit of ice. 

An allergist appointment (Little Man), dentist appointments (all three), and some errands had us go-go-go, but it was nice to get some things done before we have to launch the remainder of this short and busy week.

Another week or two, and then the round of indoor home projects will wind down, which will be nice. I can’t wait to complete it all and then really sit back to enjoy these little-but-big blessing that I’m SO grateful to be tackling.

Okay, peeps. Off to complete an online grocery order and then pass out.

Happy Monday!

More mañana. 

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