Tuesday, January 9, 2024

House Project Palooza

Okay, peeps.

It’s been few and far between with posts on this here blog, because life has been so insane-in-the-membrane. Puppy. Growing kids. Packed schedules. Holidays. Illness.

The problem is, I’m not sure the pace of our familial chaos is going to change anytime soon, so…onward and upward! I’ve gotta just keep on keepin’ on with the posting, as time allows.

So…January’s major happening is this: we’ve officially launched a wave of home projects that’s been a long time coming.

And though a lot of these projects are un-fun “need to do” items like a new A/C installation and ceiling water damage repairs (ironically, from our last A/C unit breakdown), there are a few fun things on the list, as well. And, regardless of the necessity-versus-fun meter, I’m insanely grateful to be tackling a bunch of these items. 

I’ll share more over the next couple of weeks as we round the corner from mass chaos to happy progress, but for now, here are some sneak peeks of the types of things that give me more than a bit of anxiety, given so much of our San Antonio home history.

Helloooo, barren playroom! 

We’re tackling a refresh of this zone based on the changing needs of our growing kiddos and though it’s all good things, it was a mad dash last night to move furniture and toys and remove things from walls before the painting crew arrived this morning (we hadn’t officially planned for things to launch this week; yikes!).

Full disclosure: last night, as we prepped for this chaos, I had a bit of a cry. It seems silly to me, and also, totally and completely justified, that I’ve got a lot of history and pent-up emotions related to contractors of any type in our home. I’d go through the whole history, but we don’t wanna travel down that road.

I guess the bottom line is this: my concerns and feelings of anxiety and stress are not based on paranoia, but rather, hard-lived experiences. So it’s sometimes hard to gear myself up for these waves of intrusion, knowing what can and has happened in the past. Plus, I’m just a creature who’s protective of my home cocoon.

So…I was so very grateful when the hubby decided to work from home for a couple of days while the greatest chunk of work is completed. I’m woman enough to admit that the peace of mind it provided is worth any chinks in my I Am Woman Hear Me Roar I Don’t Need No Man armor, ha.

Another complicated variable this go-round: Coda puppy. Poor girl has been pretty keyed up as a hoard of hulking men stomp through her house and make her question her peace and safety, ha.

When possible, she and I have sought refuge in the guest bedroom today, and she’s currently—finally!—taking a cat nap (puppy nap?) at my feet, affording me the chance to type this up in the next ten minutes before Chicklet and Little Man make it home from school.

Again, these home projects are all wonderful in that they’re fixing/refreshing/tackling things we want or need to do, but man oh man will I be wonderfully happy when they’re done!

Okay, more as it unfolds, peeps!

Over and out. 

P.S. Furniture shopping with three crazy kiddos is a whole VIBE. It’s been a riot. So more on that, soon, as well!

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