Saturday, March 30, 2024

Chicklet’s 10th Birthday—Decorations/Celebration!

Okay, peeps.

My BELOVED middle born is officially two digits old—which is fitting, considering she somehow finagled  two dang bday celebrations, ha.

As a reminder, last weekend, we had the best, and most playful and joyful little birthday party celebration at the house. A low key Pizza & Pajamas night with friends that was a wild success:

Then, somehow, she also managed to get a slightly pared-down family celebration with decorations and a a mini Yes Day this weekend.

I think we’ve been swindled.

The hubby and I definitely learned some things about birthday hoopla for the kiddos as they age and want to involve friends, but…that’s all boring life lesson stuff for another day. 

For now, I’ll just share the happy pics of my girl enjoying her day.

Starting with the end, when she was holding her Build-A-Bear she conned us in to. ;)

Okay, now. To rewind…

My girl wanted a dragon birthday theme. But considering we’ve kind of done dragons for her before (maybe for her 5th or 6th bday; I’ll have to look it up), I decided to put a little medieval spin and backstory on it for this go-‘round. :)

With the trusty hubby as my dressed-up helper, ha.

We’re dragon lovers in our household, so we weren’t interested in any slaying or what not. Instead, I decided to send my girl on a “quest” of solving riddles along a path to recovering a stolen baby dragon. 

I found this really fun aged stationary and wrote out instructions and riddles that could be found throughout the house:

And at the end, was the beautiful little reticulated dragon she named “Violet.” :)

It was a joy to launch the process and let her read through each set of instructions. It involved some fun little brain teasers, like: What kind of food do you have to break to eat? (Answer: an egg.)

Also, please enjoy the hysterical toy horse (that moves on wheels!) that she requested for her bday. ;)

Each dragon along her path helped with riddles, instructions and/or challenges.

My favorite bit of the morning was the potty break daddy tackled for Coda puppy. Nothing is funnier than looking at a dressed up Knight in the back yard, waiting for a puppy to tinkle, tehe.

After all the decoration fun was done, Chicklet made the demand of going to Build-A-Bear. It was kind of an awesome request, since our family has only ever been once, if you can believe it—and that was when Chicklet was an infant.

I also think this might have been a direct response to the giant round of stuffed animal donations that happened in our casa this past week (more on that another day). If so…well played, my girl. Well played.

My favorite part was the special bit with the heart. She made a wish and rubbed the heart on several key parts of her stuffed animal’s body, and it was a sweet little ritual.

Then after the stuffing bit was done, and Chicklet had shopped for all the clothes and accessories for her new little friend, we proceeded to the Birth Certificate area for naming and official deets.

I don’t think anything could have been cuter than this special backpack (with arm holes for the animal). The whole thing was precious.

Though it felt a little (read: a lot) overboard to have two separate weekends of hoopla for my girl, it never gets old showering her with love.

And, honestly, it was extra-special to see her so dang excited about the Build-A-Bear because I can see how quickly this imaginative, stuffed animal chapter will come to a close in the next year or two, just as it has for Chica.

We may be an over-the-top birthday household (understatement of the century), but it’s hard to have regrets when these years are so fleeting.

Childhood is PRECIOUS, people.

And my 10-year-old Chicklet is soooooo beloved.

More mañana, peeps, for…EASTER.

It’s been a momentous weekend around our household, and I honestly feel like this might be the first time Chicklet’s bday has fallen on Easter weekend?

Happy Easter Eve!

Over and out. 

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