Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Crawling To Make It Out Of Town

Okay, peeps.

I’m just gonna say it: 

Our crew is just a hot mess express right now.

Saturday, Little Man woke with a sizable fever and some vomiting.


Symptoms weren’t presenting as usual (he didn’t even have any throat pain for the longest time), but by Sunday, I suspected strep, and…bingo! Urgent care confirmed that guess was correct (also, he looks insanely tall to me these day).

I know I’ve said it a million times, but it’s true: of all the things, at least strep can be fixed!

Meanwhile…little Coda puppy launched some tummy/poo trouble, which had me up several times a night with her. So between the vomiting kiddo (before the meds set in), his snoring/congestion, and the puppy potty breaks, it was two nights of HEINOUS sleep.

Alas…it was sort of a glorious weekend for some illness to keep us close to home, because the girlies had the BEST time for two straight days, bingeing a show they found on Netflix (Free Rein; and, yes, it involves horses!).

It’s rated PG, but just the perfect kind of transitional tween show to make them feel a bit more grown up in their viewing, and, selfishly, it’s filmed in gorgeous U.K., rural locations that make it easy on the eyes, which makes me happy.

They were such happy, happy, lazy clams all weekend, and it was easy to indulge them and let them be.

In fact, they’re only dressed in these pics because they went to church with Daddy on Sunday while I stayed home with Little Man, and that’s pretty much the only viewing break they had, ha.

By yesterday, midday, Little Man perked up, BIG TIME. In fact, he went from zero to more than sixty, like he’d been storing up all that boy energy over his sick days and needed to get it all out, ha.

So…he’s getting better, but now Chica is alllllll congested and maybe kinda sorta feverish, but it’s hard to tell. And, heck, why don’t we just throw Chicklet in the mix?

I’ve got a just-in-case doctor’s appointment tomorrow for both of them to be tested, because I do NOT want to get out of town and end up with a gaggle of sick kiddos!

None of this is ideal, but it’s been a major blessing that  that our travel is the second half of the break, and not the first, so we’ve got about another 36 hours to get our act together.

I hope we can make it to the travel GO time and be all the more excited for making it there and enjoying some time away.

So, heeeeeere’s hoping!

And now I’ll leave you with a beauty shot of our donut haul yesterday morning.

Thinking positive thoughts, peeps!

More soon!

Over and out. 

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