Saturday, March 16, 2024

Punta Cana 2024–Day 2!

Okay, peeps.

Our second full day was chock full of alllllllll the same joy triggers. sleep, swim, slides, splashing, surf, sand, and FOOD.

Oh, and the souvenir shop. ;)

They shoved Daddy into the water with the joke of: “look, free coffee, this way!” Too funny.

My little fish (though she says she’s a dolphin—until she turns 10, at which time, she’ll become a mermaid) only paused her beloved swimming to read. I LOVE IT.

Look! Camoflauged swimsuit!

It was a beauuuuutiful afternoon during our beach time. Blue, gorgeous skies, white sand and turquoise waters. 

I risked my phone to wade into the water for this shot, ha:

Soccer! By the time we had to go inside to shower, the hubby and Little Man had accumulated a gaggle of little futbol friends, tehe.

So, the two main changes for our evening:

First, we booked a fun photo session through the hotel. (The following shots were just silly pics I took when it wasn’t our turn to stand and smile.) The sessions are free; the resort just makes its money based on the digital prints you purchase. Based on some of the images we saw via sneak peek, I think we’ll have some golden ones, so I can’t wait to see them Monday morning, before we leave.

And the second change-up of our evening—the hubby and I went to an adults-only restaurant on site that was suuuuuper kitschy and themed and coolio. Like a Soith American expedition.

It involved live entertainment (singing, dancing and/or instrumentals) throughout the restaurant every 15 minutes, and the meal was so creative. 

The entrance to the restaurant was right through that “refrigerator” door:

And there was another hidden door in the wall below that led to the patio:

So lush and vibrant and uniquely decorated…

Grateful for another happy day—and kiddos who are out cold and snoring. ;)

More mañana, peeps!

Over and out. 

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