Saturday, April 20, 2024

Chinese Dragon Doodle!

Okay, peeps.

It was nearly a double post the other day, as I typed the majority of this right after my sconce lighting update, but then the draft lingered, because, LIFE. And now, here we are days after that draft, and dayyyyyz since the original activity that spawned the post.

But let’s just ignore all that and talk about last Monday (yes, nearly a full week ago), and our DOODLE! First one in ages.

All thanks to this dude, and his request for a specific doodle as part of his creative vision for the upcoming Fiesta Floats we need to build for the school parade:

It’s no secret that any chance to doodle or tackle a project with the kiddos really makes my Mama heart go pitter pat, but this specific Monday doodle was an absolute JOY, I tell ya. 

It was coming off the heels of a really insane, overwhelming weekend, and I’ll fully admit that my mindset really needed a positive, happy jolt—something I did not except to receive.

But lo and behold, one kiddo came home with no homework (a MIRACLE), another kiddo came home with completed homework (another MIRACLE), and the final kiddo came home with manageable homework (I seriously almost cried).

Add to that the fact that both tennis and Chicklet’s math tutoring were canceled for the evening by chance (miracles ABOUND!), and I literally started faux weeping in front of the kiddos—much to their eternal amusement—and couldn’t run to the TV to set up our doodle fast enough.

These school year/weeknight artistic occurrences are few and far between, these days, which make them all the more precious.

For nearly two hours, the kiddos were drawing and coloring and giggling and listening to music, and it helped to restore my soul for another busy week ahead like nothing else in the world.

I’ll share more pics as the Fiesta Floats are completed, but for now, enjoy these happy doodle pics (and the awesome, finished drawings!) that will hopefully bolster my mood headed into yet another Monday and busy week ahead.

Happy Sunday, peeps!

Over and out. 

Look! The drawing concentration tongue still exists! I die. :)

More maƱana, peeps!

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