Monday, April 29, 2024


Okay, peeps.

We’ve just finished a really happy weekend with Little Bro, his wife, and my niece in town, but before I can get to all that, I have to rewind to last Thursday, when it was FIESTA day at school, in honor of this unique-to-San Antonio celebration!

Since I’m the room representative for Chicklet’s class, I was in charge of the party (which was the last one of the school year, woohoo!).

Luckily, I had a handful of other parents sign up to come in and help out, which was lovely. And Chicklet was so happy to have me there, which is the whole, darn point.

I wore my embroidered Fiesta-style shirt for the par-tay, and Little Man wore his taco dabbing shirt, ha (as evidenced by this sweaty, adorable pic of him showing off his soccer medal he won after school that day):

Medals are also, apparently, a Fiesta tradition (see how he’s wearing a few others; one he made at school, and the other he received during a Fiesta assembly).

The other major component of Fiesta day at our elementary school is the parade, which mimics a giant Battle of the Flowers parade that happens downtown each year.

Little Man had a very clear vision about making a Chinese Dragon float, which I loved. Mostly because selecting the theme is half the battle!

We made sure to tackle the doodle component a week prior so we’d have plenty of time for assembly. That was such a happy day (I posted about it last week), and I just loved how his dragon turned out.

Especially once it was all cut out…

Then he took it a step further by making a neck for his dragon…

Which turned out really coolio.

Then I found this awesomesauce gold box to serve as the base and it really started to come together.

Over the course of the next few days, he made the rest of the dragon’s body out of modeling clay, then let it air dry before he painted it (and I FAILED to get pictures of all this, oye).

Then he had a mild panic the day before the parade, when he decided the float needed something else beyond the dragon, and he came up with the idea of bamboo trees—a pretty spectacular addition, if you ask me.

Now, my Chicklet also had a very clear vision from the get-go: horses! She wanted a horse themed float, she wanted it decorated with little figurines, and she had very few requests beyond that. Most excellent. 

We ended up utilizing a small leftover square of turf from the garage to give the horses some lovely grazing grass, ha. And then we added a water feature, as well.

Then when we discussed some trees to add height, she came up with a plan all by herself to create them with pipe cleaners.

I lurv, lurv how they turned out, and she was quite focused on her work. :)

A flower box was the perfect base for her float, and the whole thing turned out so cute and perfectly Chicklet

I loved how happy and excited they were for the celebration—and it was especially lovely to know it was kicking off a three day weekend for us.

I was able to attend the little parade and see their floats live and in action, and they managed to stay mostly in tact. Victory!

Five years in, I’m still not sure I entirely understand this particular holiday, but I adore how much San Antonians adore it, so…that’s enough!

Okay, more catch up posts mañana, peeps.

Over and out. 

P.S. If you really wanna tug at the heartstrings check out these Fiesta-of-years-past posts. There are more, but these feature my tiny babies. ;)

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