Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Chicklet’s Ankle Update

Okay, peeps.

It’s been a day.

So much to share, but for now, I’ll focus on the Chicklet fracture update.

We had the follow-up appointment today with our pediatric orthopedist who, sadly, we’ve used a few more times than I’d like!

The removed the urgent care cast and took a good look…

Goodness, there was a lot of bruising for my poor girl.

She was a champ through really painful x-rays to get the best look possible at what was going on.

Turns out, she had a grade three sprain, which is a torn ligament, plus the avulsion fracture they suspected. All on the outside of her ankle.

As with every previous visit, we’ve had such luck with our doctor and the entire staff. Today, we might have had the kindest and best ortho tech of all (Woodie!) who crafted Chicklet’s cast. He was so patient and meticulous and wonderful.

And since Chicklet wanted to watch and see what was going on, they told me to take pictures for her, and then we just flipped the camera so she could watch in real time and make silly faces, ha.

It was a lengthy two hour visit, but we felt well cared for and everything was so thorough.

Chicklet scooted out all happy (but tired and sore) and relieved to be done.

Speaking of scooter…we ordered her one! Her crutches were just so exhaustion and, honestly, she had a couple of near tumbles and wobbles that made me anxious. Plus, we knew she’d never make it through lengthy school days with that burden.

We even ordered a fun pad for the knee rest, so Chicklet named it the Hibiscus Scooter. Love it.

She spent the rest of the afternoon tucked away in her favorite playroom cuddle chair.

On her iPad, then reading…

And finishing up some homework…

Then the highlight of the whole shebang was this evening, when I ran to Tar-Jay for Metallica sharpies (her request) so we could christen her cast. :)

She even wrote Coda’s name herself, just to make sure our sweet puppy girl was represented. :)

It’s going to be a staged healing process.

Two weeks of this cast and her scooter.

Three weeks of a walking boot.

And then another couple of weeks with some sort of soft brace.

I’m still digesting all this and the implications of summer plans and life, but for now, I’m just glad our girl is on the path to healing!

More mañana, peeps.

Over and out. 

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