Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Little Man’s 2nd Grade Retrospective

Okay, peeps.

After two very lengthy posts for Chica’s and Chicklet’s respective retrospectives (say that three times, fast!), Little Man’s is blessedly short and sweet and can be summed up with this pic (at his end-of-school-year class ice cream party):

Thumbs up, all the way!

While it’s not always the case, God sometimes throws me a parenting bone when things are overwhelming, and that was certainly the case for Little Man’s 2nd grade year.

I think God knew that Chica and Chicklet would each have demanding school years, so He blessed Little Man (and I!) with lots of easy breezy:

First, Little Man had one of my all-time favorite teachers, who I already knew and loved from past years (Chica also had her for 2nd grade).

Second, his academic performance was rock awesome with solid growth.

And, third, he had a fantastic combination of kind, silly, happy buddies in his class.

In fact, his teacher (who is a Boy Mom herself) Little Man’s crew her “box of puppies”: high energy and a lotta work…but so darn cute it’s all worth it, ha.

An analogy I totally get in my current life stage!

So, basically, my boy was solid all year and I had complete faith that he was in excellent classroom hands, and all was well.

So…without further delay, some of my Little Man school year highlights:

First day of school…

Departing from his first bus ride…

His birthday lunch with Mama and Daddy…

Dressing up as his favorite storybook character during the week of Halloween (and holding a teeny tiny Coda so casually she looks like a stuffed animal, ha)…

Earning an Integrity Medal during his after-school (but at school) soccer program…

On the same day he earned a Growth Award for his benchmark testing…

Practicing so hard for the school Bike Rodeo—before it was cancelled due to bad weather…

Participating in the PE Showcase…

Playing games on Rodeo Day…

At the annual carnival…

Creating his amazing Chinese Dragon float for the Fiesta Parade…

Showing me his amazing work during his GT Showcase evening…

And I know this one wasn’t actually in school, but it has to be said that it was the most fun for Little Man to play a season of soccer this year with his buddies from class…

I really can’t say enough wonderful things about Little Man’s 2nd grade year, so…here’s hoping the good vibes continue into 3rd!

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Over and out. 

P.S. One final memento from Little Man’s 2nd grade year. This e-mail his teacher sent me one day. It was on a day when I really needed these words of affirmation, and for so many reasons, I was SO proud of my boy!

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