Friday, July 19, 2024

Chicklet’s Summer Sleepover!

Okay, peeps.

We’re rounding out the third, Special Summer Friend Get-Together tonight!

As a reminder, at the beginning of the summer, I promised each of the kiddos a special something-or-other with friends (above and beyond just an average play date), and we launched with…

Chica’s swim party, just as school was letting out…

Then Little Man’s (non) swim party, last week, after all of our travel was finally behind us…

Both events were such happy successes that I wanted to give Chicklet a bit of an option, so it wouldn’t seem like such a lather, rinse, repeat situation, since her event was falling last, by chance.

I gave her the choice of hosting a larger swim shebang with friends, or having just one buddy over for a sleep-over.

Unsurprisingly, since sleepovers are sort of the be-all-end-all at this age (and I secretly do ALL that I can to avoid them, ha), that was her choice, and I actually think it was an excellent one. :)

Truly, there’s no better time to tackle a schedule-disrupting and kiddo-crankiness-causing event like a sleepover than during the summer, amiright? And Chicklet had such a positive bigger group get-together for her birthday a few months ago that this seemed like just the right kind of unique pivot.

It’s actually been such a lovely and easy-breezy night full of video games, swimming, pizza, snacks, movie watching and…tent dwelling, ha.

Officially the BEST cookie cake I’ve ever found. I’m Tar-Jay today. So much icing, you couldn’t even see the cookie. GOLDEN.

And such pretty ombré icing! I. DIE.

I’m so glad this has worked out so well, and even if Chicklet and her buddy stay up until dawn, we have a blissfully free Saturday tomorrow, so hopefully, we can weather any mood repercussions. ;)

Whew! Three special events knocked out for the summer. It’s insane to me that we’re staring down the final three weeks before the launch of a new school year.

We have another busy week ahead, but then, I might force a family lockdown/cocooned situation for a week before we barrel into 3rd/5th/7th grade and all the insanity of school and Fall.

I still have so many catch-up posts to tackle, including lots of life and kiddo happenings, so…here’s hoping I can get to some of those, soon!

Until then…HAPPY WEEKEND, peeps!

Over and out. 

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