Monday, November 25, 2024

Cat Mode—Holiday Style

Okay, peeps.

Lemme tell you about the cutest thing my Chicklet said to me the other day, when we were just two days from wrapping up school for the Thanksgiving holiday:

“Mama, two more sleeps, and I’m going in to cat mode.”

“Whad’you mean by cat mode?”

“I’m gonna curl up, be lazy, and sleep all day.”

And to that, I said: Most. Excellent. Bring. It. On.

Clearly, she’s much, much wiser than I, having already identified the benefits of this mode as a wee ten-year-old. 

And, you know what?

I took my brilliant ten-year-old’s advice to heart, just Saturday, when we decided to delay our Thanksgiving travel departure by a day.

We wrapped up the hubby’s Pickleball Friendsgiving hoopla by midday, I cleaned it all up, mopped the floors, and generally just re-set the kitchen and dining room.

And then, I mentally thought through the long list of things that needed to be accomplished in the next 24 hours in order to make it out of town, and I basically said: no freaking way.

As someone who’s always been a bit Type A on the organizational front, as well as a bit demanding on myself, in terms of what I expect to accomplish on any given day, I take extreme pride in the fact that I’ve been able to mentally loosen my grip on that tendency to just power through, go-go-go, and destroy myself for arbitrary events of timelines or occasions as I’ve aged.

Also, I’m conscious about trying to set a better example for my children about mental health and balancing responsibilities and fun. They already seem to be eons ahead of my generation on this front, and I love that we openly discuss things that might help fill their cup or de-stress them in life. Like…

Cat mode. :)

I’m grateful for these crazy humans of mine who’ve been so happy since school let out for the holiday. They’re amazing kiddos who have a lot on their plates with school and extra-curriculars and family scheduling demands. It’s wonderful to hear them giggling more and getting their sillies on during their time off.

So here’s hoping we can keep the happy holiday energy going!

Happy Thanksgiving Week, peeps!

Over and out.

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