I’ve done a lotta field trips throughout my Mama years. Approximately two hundred gabazillion (technical number). So when I tell you that today might have been the most unpleasant weather circumstances of any, ever, well…believe me.
Torrential downpours all morning? Yup. Flooded streets en route? You betcha. Lightning and thunder as the kiddos tried to unload and head to the destination, which was (ironic drum roll, please)…
As in, a lot of outdoor and dirty, muddy conditions on a good day.
Not gonna lie: it wasn’t great.
But it also wasn’t terrible.
It was a JOY, as always, for my girl to be out of the classroom, no matter the conditions, and it was also nice for me to catch up with a couple Mama friends I don’t see too often.
So, without further delay, I give you…pics. :)
The surprise highlight and hilarity of the day: pug races! Featuring swine with names like Kevin Bacon, BarbieQ, Patrick Mahams, and so many more.
The excitement was palpable:
The pigs were adorably tiny, eliciting and bunch of awwwwws…
This little one showed off swimming skills!
It certainly helped to counteract the drizzle and damp stadium seats to have some happy kiddo entertainment.
And then, blessedly, we shifted indoors for barrel racing and lunch.
By the time I wrapped up my duties, my shoes were soaked through, my backside was, as well, one umbrella was broken and I was $40 poorer, thanks to on site parking.
But, hey—at least I get to do it all over again next week for Little Man’s class.
Good thing I love my kids. ;)
Happy Tuesday, peeps!
Over and out.
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