Thursday, January 17, 2013

Glee Salvation

So, I know I post a zillion photos of my beautiful Baby Girl all smiling and happy. I can't help it. I have a compulsive disorder to share the joy.

Only problem: that compulsive disorder generally leads people to believe my Baby Girl is always smiling and happy.

And she is--a decent amount of the time.

But she also has her days--a decent amount of the time.

Enter: Random Mommy Coping Method.

Now, I have no idea how I figured this out a couple months ago, but I'm sure glad I did. Because nothing--and I mean, NOTHING--calms her down 100% of the time. Except this.

Take last night, for example. Poor Baby Girl had been cranky and crying and whiny ALL day long. And I mean, ALL day long (another round of teething angst, I believe). And by about 5:30 p.m., I was out of tricks, and she'd gone nuclear (definition: screaming hysterically whilst shoving her tiny hands in her mouth, spewing real babies tears).

So I did what I always do as a last resort, and I sat down in front of the living room TV with her in my lap, and played this:

For those of you not in the know (although you'd have to be living on Mars not to be in the know), the TV show, Glee, generally involves singing and dancing. But Baby Girl doesn't love just any Glee episode. She loves this one in particular. This one that involves a heard of uniform-clad Warblers (that's the name of their all-male, prep-school show choir) singing and dancing like mad during a Sectionals competition.

Why this episode (or rather, this performance in this episode), and not one of the hundreds of others?

No clue.

Maybe she likes the horribly-suggestive lyrics of the song, that should have someone hot-dialing Child Protective Services.

Maybe she's gonna have a thing for uniformed bad-boys (Oh, heaven help us. Hubby, I hope you're not reading).

Maybe she's learning the dance moves so she can surprise us with the routine before she can even walk.

Or maybe, just maybe, she likes all that frantic activity at a time when all else in the world (teething, eating, rolling over) has become too. much. to. take.

Regardless of why, I'm crazy glad it works.

And a little part of me hopes she'll follow in her parents' footsteps someday with an appreciation for the arts.

Happy Thursday, peeps.

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