Wednesday, January 16, 2013

29 Weeks & Blaring

So there I was this evening, all excited that the hubby was home early, the kitchen was cleaned up after dinner, the kiddo was down for the night, the nineteenth load of laundry was folded, and no other household chores were loudly screaming my name.

And then something else started screaming.

And no, it wasn't my child.

Around 8:15 p.m., EVERY smoke alarm in the house started blaring.

Naturally, the hubby and I both shot up, sniffed the air (but smelled no smoke), and went running to the nursery to scoop Baby Girl up.

She wasn't yet asleep, so she was just chillin', looking up at me all happy that she'd gotten an unexpected bedtime reprieve.

As soon as I had her safely in my arms, my next thought was: Now what? Followed quickly by: I'm already going deaf.

So Baby Girl and I ditched the hubby (when we were reasonably certain the house wasn't on fire) and drove around to protect her infantile eardrums, until the coast was clear to return.

All signs point toward a glitch in one particular alarm we've isolated, so we'll have to deal with a repairman tomorrow.

In the meantime, I learned a very valuable lesson tonight.

In case of fire, I have priorities:

1. Child
2. Diamond rings
3. Pacifier clip

Apparently, that's all my brain believes I need in order to survive.

'Bout right. (Including the hubby, of course).

Here's hoping for a calmer Thursday evening.

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