Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday, Brain-Dumb Day

I've stared at my computer screen for about ten minutes now, without getting anywhere.

So I'm just going to admit failure (or rather, low-levels of brainpower), and type short sentences.

Baby Girl was a rock star napper today.

We went to the grocery store and did not impulse-buy.

And now chica has fresh red bell pepper, banana, peas, yellow squash and pears to eat this week.

And some leftover sweet potatoes and butternut squash.

All of the pureed variety.

I still enjoy making her baby food.

And she still enjoys eating it.

We filed our taxes today.

It makes me happy to file our taxes in January.

It does not make me happy to pay for a new fence instead of something more fun.

Like shoes.

Or clothes.

Or books.

Or a vacation.

But good fences make good neighbors.

Or is that--good neighbors help pay for fences?

Stay tuned for the answer.

I have many girly shows waiting for me in my DVR.

They might be waiting a long while.

Baby Girl turned seven months old yesterday.

To celebrate, we attended a three-year-old's birthday party.

There was cake.

And I ate it.

And then ate some more cake I already had at home.

And tonight, I ate some more of that cake.

I like cake.

If my daughter takes after her mother (and I believe she does), she'll like cake.

The hubby came home from work early.

And I'm pretty sure tomorrow, he won't.

Because I took full advantage and let him entertain our manic child while I cooked her food in bulk.

That rhymed.

Happy Monday, peeps.

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