Saturday, January 26, 2013


Since I outed my awesome 80's hair in a post earlier this week, I'm feeling a little nostalgic.

And by nostalgic, I mean devious in a looking-back sort of way.

And when one is feeling devious in a looking-back sort of way, photos are usually involved.

(Disclaimer: these pics totally incriminate my bros, right along with me. But they're family, so they're not supposed to kill me. Just want to.)

So, this is us, circa 1987-88, I'm guessing, by little bro's age:

How rock-awesome are those overalls? And can you see the embroidered "K" on my sweater? Nice touch, Mom. Nice touch. We look alike at this age, to me. And, I'm not gonna lie: little bro's head also looks disproportionately large for his body. (Hehe.) Lucky for him, if it ever truly was (or just looked large in this pic) it didn't stay that way!

See...proof of normal-sized cranium, circa 1989-1990:

I mean, white-washed denim was pretty much a mandate at that point in time, yes? As were the flowing, 80's locks with the poofy little bang-wings.

Now that the three of us are adults, we're allowed to just say "no" to embarrassing photos.

'Cause nobody wants to look ridiculous.

Lots of things change as the years go by.

But lots of things stay the same, too.

I love my family.

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