Saturday, June 29, 2013

Best. Surprise. Ever.

This is my bro, sitting at my kitchen table:

He lives in Knoxville.

Which is not within the greater DFW metroplex (last time I checked).

Nor is it within the greater metroplex of any state even close to Texas. 

And since teleportation is still theoretical (again...last time I checked), how in the WORLD did he end up sitting at my kitchen table on this fine Saturday following my beloved daughter's birthday????

By pulling off the...




So there we were (Chica, the Hubby, Nanna and I) eating dinner at this cute little diner that just opened up around the corner from our house. The company was lovely. The food was at the table. And Chica was being her usual active and hilarious self, making sounds with her mouth, like this:

And then all of a sudden, I looked up from the table, and saw this (or at least something close to this, as this is, of course, a reenactment for World Wide Interweb purposes):

I think I had a little aneurysm. And so did Nanna. We just stared:

(Side note: flattering and awesome reenactment, eh???)

After quite some time of sitting there looking like our brains had stopped that little internal whirring they do 24/7, we rallied, I started crying, and jumped up to hug the little booger for pulling off such an awesome surprise.

But of course Nanna (who was still too shocked at seeing her beloved firstborn in the flesh) still sat there a little dumbfounded whilst crying.

But she, too, eventually rallied. And then I snapped a pic:

And then we all went home and snapped some more pics:

Older bro is in town through a happy work coincidence (that he just found out about yesterday) and gets to stay until Monday. And the ONLY person who knew he was coming was the Hubby--who kept his secret-hoarding mouth shut--terd! (But I must admit, the surprise of it all was so. freaking. awesome.)

My cup soooooo overfloweth these days. I am truly, truly blessed. And so freaking ecstatic to have my bro here for a bit.

Happy, happy, HAPPY Saturday, peeps!!!

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