Monday, February 17, 2014

Tree Hugger

Long, long ago (like twenty plus years), in a land far, far away (okay, maybe not that far, just Oklahoma), an idealistic girl (moi) forced her family into a newfangled (at the time) practice called recycling.

Said family indulged that idealistic young girl and dove into the challenge with gusto--and four color-coded bins in the garage that required weekly trips to a recycling center for disposal.

Dedication, my friends.

Sadly, that idealistic young girl let her recycling morals fall by the wayside in early adulthood--despite major advancements in the recycling practice (hello, recycling curbside pick-up on trash day).

But that girl promised herself she would hop back on the bandwagon and make a fresh start in her new home, and she's finally made good on that promise. Finally.

So meet our (I mean, that girl's) new, dual trash/recycling can (via screen grab from BBB so you don't have to look at actual, yucky trash):

Yay, for a device to enable the practice.

It may be a small step for that once-idealistic young girl, but it's a big help for the future of the real tree hugger now living within her happily-recycling home :)

Happy Sunday, peeps :)

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