Thursday, March 6, 2014

Daddy's Way More Fun

The weather this week hasn't been prime for pond fun, but last weekend, we had some quality time down there as a threesome. And on the way home, Daddy pulled a move that stressed Mama a bit, but made Chica super duper happy.

You see, there's this long creek/stream thingy (very technical term) that flows throughout a portion of the neighborhood and eventually meets the pond. And our path to and from the house goes right by the steepest part of it.

Now of course, being male--and formerly a teenage mischief-maker, naturally--Daddy couldn't resist walking by the area one. more. time. without exploring. And he hauled our beloved daughter along with him:

And naturally, being the Worrisome Mother Hen that I am, I put up all sorts of protestations:

But you can't go down there!

What if you trip?!

What if Chica wants to go down there every time we pass once she gets a taste of it??!!

What if she tries to make a run for it and heads down there when I can't catch her???!!!

What if she pole-vaults out of her crib, belly-scoots down the stairs, opens the garage door, treks the eight minutes (well, longer on her little legs) down there in the middle of the night and we HAVE NO IDEA????!!!!

Irrational, yes.

But these are the thoughts that pop into my mind.

In Daddy's mind? Nothin'. (And I mean that in the best way possible--ha).

He just sees something fun to do with his daughter and goes for it. And nine times out of ten, it's absolutely the right move.

See--even Chica's looking at me here saying: What? It's no biggie. Stop stressing.

So here's to many more Daddy-fueled adventures that will keep Mama slightly on edge and Chica smiling like a fool.

Happy Almost-Friday, peeps!

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