Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Name Retraction

Well, it's a good thing you peeps who keep track of this here blog are mostly reading from afar, or I might have pitch forks and an angry mob to contend with!

So, apparently, I have rocked everyone's world by changing Chicklet's name to Jellie Bean (ahem, Jill Debuty, I'm talkin' to you, ahem, ahem).

So, fine! I give in! I hereby retract said change. (Though for the record, I only changed it because I thought Chica/Chicklet might be confusing in everyday posting, and Jellie Bean plays into her real life name, so really, I was looking out for YOU people!).

But you can now pretend like I never typed the words Jellie and Bean, and life will go back to normal so I can stop getting texts like:

"Next time you'll take a vote before you go changing names." 

(Ahem, brother Justin, ahem, ahem, friend to Jill Debuty, the leader of my mob).


I love you all, you opinionated hookers.

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