Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pond Sweet Pond

Reunited and it feeeeels so goooood!

(Come on, sing it with me, peeps!)

We're home sweet home as a foursome, and man oh man did things really green up Spring-wise in just the few short days I was hospital-bound!

I couldn't be happier to be home with both my girls (and Daddy, of course). And I also couldn't be happier to mark our first family foursome day with a simple trip down to our favorite destination.

The pond!

Don't worry, peeps. I didn't walk all the way down there ('cause I'm insane, yes, but not certifiable. I did just have a C-section). We drove down, and then Chica and Daddy did the leg work while Mama and Chicklet parked on a bench.

I think Chicklet luuuuved the fresh air. She kept sighing like, well, the precious four-day-old that she is.

And who can blame her when it's warm but breezy with the lovely scents of renewal in the air??


Happy I'm-Home-And-It's-Spring Wednesday!

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