Thursday, April 3, 2014

"Hi, Baby"

Chica has been so lovely and open to Chicklet's presence--both in the hospital and at home.

For the most part, her attitude has has been: acknowledge, and move on. Like, Yeah, I see the baby, but what's that over there??? (And she's off!)

Since we've been home, though, her enthusiasm (and volume) in greeting the baby has ramped up a notch. And it's so, dang cute,

Hope it continues to trend towards the positive in the coming days and weeks. ;) Enjoy these pics and freaking adorable video!

Yep, she's waving. Take a closer look...

And finally...the video. (And, yes, Chica is wearing a purple bikini top. Just didn't want you to think it was a bra or something embarrassing like that. I mean, I have some standards. Not.)

Happy Thursday, peeps!

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