Friday, April 4, 2014

Little Goals

So today might have been the kind of day that involved...

A round of cluster feeding that began at 2 am and ended just before 6 am.

An explosive and odorous poo that seeped through a diaper, a pair of pajamas, and a blanket folded four ways, to ultimately soil a bedroom chair (five minutes before needing to walk out the door).

Our first family foursome outing (to get Mama's staples removed--oye) where Daddy had to juggle not one but two not-at-all-quiet ladies alone in the car. Zone defense begins.

A tube of cortisone squashed by a toddler foot onto the bedroom carpet (FYI--this one was easy; it dries hard to enable full removal).

Oh, and a breastesses infection (yep, I have a newborn again so get ready for me to type breastesses a lot) taking hold that I'm desperately trying to nip (hehe) in the bud.

BUT...the day also included our first (successful, I might add) family meal out, a Frozen sing-a-long in the car, and some lovely family sun and play time outside before dinner.

It's the small things, peeps, that will get us to tomorrow.

And one of those small things that felt MAJOR to a Mama who is desperately missing all the quality time with her firstborn: a genius way to manage bath time with her, without injuring myself.

See this here tiny, orange chair?

Well, it's the perfect height and size to place by the bathtub so I can join in the nighttime ritual without pain.

My next baby steps goal: healing enough to rock Chica to bed. Then snuggles like this (pre-Chicklet; don't worry, I did not attempt this today) won't be far behind.

Oh, and Chicklet is absolutely delicious, despite her cluster feeding tendencies :)

Nighty night, peeps!

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