Sunday, April 6, 2014

Frozen Face

No, the subject of this post is not the Botox I'll likely need after the months of new-baby sleep deprivation I'm facing.

It's a post about Chica's newfound love for the movie Frozen

I shouldn't be surprised, really, since everybody on the planet seems to love it, but we've only recently jumped on the bandwagon by showing Chica a few of the scenes with fun songs, and needless to say, she's HOOKED.

This is her I-get-to-watch-some-Frozen face:

I made the happy mistake of downloading some of the songs onto my phone, too, so now every time we get in the car, she looks at me with that stinking adorable face and requests, "Go, go," meaning the ultimate song, "Let It Go."

I have freaking adorable video that I'll post tomorrow (if my baby brain remembers). But for now, I'd just like to send out my thanks for the lovely distraction of animated movie magic at a time when a five-minute distraction is soooooo greatly appreciated.

Nighty night, peeps.


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