Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Roll With The Flow Kind Of Day

Ever have one of those mornings when your girls are crying and poo-ing simultaneously, and you lay the elder one down on the bathroom floor to change her before hauling her in the shower with you--because, let's face it, that's the only way to contain half of the double trouble and keep up a smidgen of your personal hygiene--and then you roll up the soiled diaper after you're finished and the poo pellets come sliding out all over the tile floor and you have to chase after them while you say, "they're just marbles, they're just marbles" so you can keep from gagging long enough to snatch everything up before the child has a chance to do it herself?


Just me, then?

(Should I not have said "poo pellets"?)

Anybody still with me???

But then, by midday, your beautiful infant is starting to truly smile for the first time and your life is blindingly beautiful.

And then your toddler bares her belly for a tickle fest and you think: life could not be sweeter. Smelly, yes, but as sweet as any life could possibly be.

Happy Runaway Poo Wednesday, peeps ;)

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