Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rainy Day Lazy Girls

Most days, I try to find a happy balance between so many things: playing, learning, snuggling, errand-running, and all those necessities like eating, bathing and napping.

If Chica has watched an episode of Sofia, I try to counter it with outdoor play. If I've kept her on the go (translation: entertained with my phone) due to errands, I try to engage her in active play.

It's a constant weighing of the scales that helps me get to the end of my days feeling I did the best I could by my child.

But every now and then, I have a day like today when I throw all that balancing out the window and just veg out with my kid(s).

The result (for today, at least): I spent a blissful rainy afternoon with my girls doing nothing in particular, and I was able to let my mommy guilt go.

And at one point, I had Chicklet asleep in my arms, my Nook in my lap, and Chica burrowed into my side watching Sofia on my phone (all in Chicklet's cozy glider, mind you), and I'm pretty darn sure we were all pretty darn happy.

So here's to laziness.

It does a soul some good every once in a while.

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