Thursday, June 26, 2014

Double The Special Weekend

Well, peeps, we're heading into a be-a-uuuutiful weekend of celebrations for our family.

First, my beloved firstborn is turning TWO tomorrow, with a party to follow on Saturday. TWO. As in--one year, then another year. Where oh where does time go????

I'll spare you my mental breakdown (for now) and just show you the adorable pic of her trying to learn to hold up just two fingers:

(Have I mentioned how CRAZY I am for this child???? Love, love, love.)

As if the birthday fun wasn't enough, we're following it up with Chicklet's baptism on Sunday. Such a blessed event that we'll be able to share with all the family and friends who will already be here celebrating the big bday.

And some of the all-star friends are...the godparents!!!

Last weekend, we were finally able to get together with the girls' godfather and his sweet and lovely wife:

And today, my dearest friend in the universe--the girls' godmother--arrived:

That's adoration, peeps. A-D-O-R-A-T-I-O-N.

I'm feeling all blessed-up already, and the fun is just beginning!

(Oh--and that's after a special visit from my Illinois Aunt and Uncle earlier this week--who I pretty much failed to take pictures of. Failed, I tell ya!)

A ton of pics to come in the days ahead. Until then--happy weekend!

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